Chapter 28 [edited]

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"Autumn! Shouldn't you be in school?" Embry laughed cheerfully as Jacob parked his bike a few feet away from Sam and Emily's porch. The others were slowly migrating from the kitchen to the porch, smiles on their faces at the mention of my name.

"Haven't you ever heard ditching for a day is good for your health?" I shot back, grinning as I slid off the bike, unlatching the helmet.


Jacob playfully shoved him as he bounded up the stairs, both turning toward me with smirks on their faces as a third joined them. It took me a few seconds to recognize the face.


"Hey, Leaf." Quil grinned impishly, his laugh echoing the others.

"You finally joined the pack." I hugged him. "How are you feeling?"

"Like an idiot, but better," he admitted guiltily. "Now I know why everyone was acting so secretive."

"Well, I'm glad you know now. Jacob and Embry were really upset about leaving you out of the loop, and you thinking they didn't want to be friends." I told him as both guys pretended to clutch at their hearts.

"Ouch, Leaf. Way to stab us." Embry pretended to pout.

The sound of tires on gravel caused us to turn toward the drive, the sight of my car coming to a stop behind Jared's Jeep. Chloe waved from the driver's seat as Bella awkwardly shifted next to her.

"I hope it's okay we're crashing the party," Chloe called out, a grin tugging at her lips. "The school called your mom, Leaf. She told me to skip school too, and come meet the pack."

"I told your mom I'd keep Chloe company." Bella smiled sheepishly, glancing at the guys on the porch. "Hey, Quil!"

"What's up Bella?"

"Leaf! Bella!" Emily came outside, her eyes lighting up. "I was wondering when I'd see you again! And who is this?"

"Emily, this is Chloe. Chloe, this is Emily, Sam's fiancée."

"It's nice to meet you. All of you," Chloe waved. "Hey, Embry. We missed you at dinner the other night. Julie made a killer steak."

"Maybe it's a good thing he wasn't there," Paul called out. "There wouldn't have been any left!"

We laughed as the guys playfully fought each other before taking off into the woods. An annoyed sigh came from the doorway and we turned to see Leah standing there, her eyes narrowed at her pack brothers before resting on Bella, who gasped in surprise.

"Chloe, Bella, this is Leah. Harry Clearwater's daughter." Jacob grimaced slightly at the mention of Harry. "Leah, this is Autumn's friend Chloe from her hometown."

Time seemed to freeze the minute Leah's eyes met Chloe's from across the yard; her body went still and her eyes widened. A low, surprised gasp escaped from her lips, causing the rest of the pack to look at her, realization slowly dawning on each member. Chloe's face flushed a bright pink at the sudden attention as Jacob and I shared a look. Sam cleared his throat from the doorway, breaking the spell over the girls.

"Nice to meet you, Chloe." Leah nodded slowly, her eyes twinkling in the sunlight.

"I'm so sorry about your dad," Chloe said to her, offering a sad smile. Leah tilted her head and mouthed thank you, a matching smile on her own face.

"Hey, Autumn. Mom wants you to stop by when you have a chance. She has some more of Giuliana's things for you." Leah directed her gaze to me, her eyes warming.

"I'll go see her as soon as I can. Thanks, Leah."

She nodded in acknowledgment before glaring at Bella again and running into the woods after the guys.

Falling for Autumn | Jacob BlackOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz