Chapter 37 [edited]

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"Has anyone seen my bag?" I hollered from my room as I tore through my closet like a chaotic tornado. "Alice is going to kill me if I'm late!"

"Found it!" Chloe's voice floated from the living room and I thundered down the stairs, sighing in relief. "It was behind the couch!"

"It must've fallen down when Jacob and Seth were here earlier to get the wedding decorations for Alice."I said as Chloe handed me the bag with a smile, hugging it to my chest. "Are you ready to go?"

"Yeah, I just have to grab my wallet from the kitchen." Chloe disappeared down the hallway as Mom rounded the corner from her study.

"Charlie and I will see you tomorrow morning, with Renée and Phil. We're picking them up from the airport in a few hours, as Alice has instructed." She smiled widely, smoothing down my hair. "Tell Esme the cake will be delivered in the morning as well, and not to worry."

"I will." I kissed Mom's cheek. "Love you, Mom. See you later!"

When we arrived at the Cullens' house, the backyard had been transformed into an elegant wedding ceremony. Floral garlands hung through the trees and wrapped around wooden arches set up where the altar was going to be, intertwined with white twinkling lights to create a romantic atmosphere. Carlisle and Jasper were setting up tables and chairs for the reception area, Esme walking behind them and covering the tables in white linens.

On the deck, Alice was supervising as Bella slowly practiced walking in her wedding shoes. Pausing after a step, Bella eyed the shoes warily, stumbling slightly. Alice shook her head but tried to remain encouraging.

"You just have to break them in." She reassured Bella, who groaned defeatedly.

"I've been breaking them in. For three days. Can I just go barefoot?"

"No, absolutely not."

"Just thinking it's a little much, you know? The dress and the shoes, and all of this." Bella glanced over at Carlisle and Jasper, who moved on to carrying benches for the ceremony space.

"No, it's exactly enough. Tomorrow will be perfect." Alice swirled around and beamed at Chloe and me. "It's about time you two made it!"

"Sorry we're late, I couldn't find my bag." I motioned to the object in question sheepishly.

Alice nodded in acknowledgment, turning to face Emmett who was carrying a long tree trunk.

"Where do you want them, boss?" He grunted.

"On either side of the aisle."

Rosalie walked past behind Emmett, carrying a fat tree stump. Her face twisted in confused disbelief.

"What aisle?"

"Does no one have vision?" Alice huffed, clearly annoyed by the lack of creativity in her siblings.

"I got this," I waved Alice off and motioned for Rosalie and Emmett to follow me.

As I directed them like I knew Alice wanted, I watched out of the corner of my eye as Bella took off her shoes, sliding her converse back on. She looked toward the house and I followed her gaze to see Edward standing in front of the window in the kitchen; he was watching his family get everything set up for the wedding with a bemused expression on his face. His eyes met Bella's, a soft smile tugging at his lips as Alice stepped directly into Bella's line of vision.

"You, go home and get lots of beauty sleep. That's an order." Alice motioned in the direction of the path that wrapped around the side of the house to the driveway. I snickered to myself as I realized Alice was doing everything she could to keep Bella away from Edward until tomorrow.

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