Chapter 7- A Ride Home

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The tense and awkward silence filled the room as the two individuals is working silently. The only sounds you can hear is the sketching of the pencil and the breaths of the two.

Because of the silence, Sasuke has a free time to think of the situation.

'F*ck this, f*ck Naruko, f*ck this room,f*ck my organs,  f*ck my life. F*ck, f*ck F*CK!'

Whoa, chill bro...

Anyway, as the silence can get Sasuke a free pass for thinking, he can't help that the awkward silence is suffocating.

Truthfully, you can say that Sasuke is rather...nonchalant and easy to hide his true nature, to the point were you can't read him anymore. He didn't care about the situation he was in, what scenarios might happened any moment, or what danger he can experience.

But, all the composure broke when he is with Naruko. He just couldn't stand being with her presence, it irritates him, or atleast that's what he thinks he is feeling.

With her it feels...uncomfortable but at the same time, it feels content, to say the least.

It's just irritation. Was his everyday thoughts when he felt these feelings with Naruko.

The feeling is foreign, yet familiar. Like, he felt it before but  it's been so long since he felt it, like he forgot what type of feeling it is.

The feeling is like this; He felt like his heart is beating faster than it ever beat before. Adrenaline? No, he didn't like sweets and coffee didn't have such an effect on him. He felt his temperature getting higher. Fever/cold? Not really, he felt fine so it's not possible, and plus, it's hot. And he felt that there is something moving in his stomach. Diarrhea? Nah, and if it IS diarrhea, he would have felt something in his ass.

He didn't understand, so he just assumed it's irritation. To Naruko.

It didn't make sense but, what can he do?

"Ahhh~~~ Finished!"

The sound of pleased cries desperately escaped the blonde's mouth as they finished there project in no time. They decided to finish it as quickly as possible so that they can never see each others' faces (Sasuke's words, not Naruko. But she just agreed.)

"We're finished here. I need to go now, it's already late." She said, standing up.

The sky is now painted with pitch black if not from the shining and glistening stars up above. The atmosphere is calm and quiet despite these two not getting along well with each other. Yes, there are times that they are not fighting, like right now. They supposed it's because sometimes they are just tired or they can't come up with something to talk to. But, the silence is comfortable that you didn't wanted to leave the situation, like they really like each others' company. Of course because of pride, they wouldn't admit it to themselves. Even though how comfortable they are with each other sometimes. There ego didn't let them. They always reminded that they are rivals. But, it is not bad that two rivals can be friends right?


"Well, see ya teme." Naruko said quietly yet quickly. Like she desperately wanted to leave, that didn't go unnoticed by Sasuke though. He felt disappointed for some reason.

Alone? At this hour? Tch, i'm going to drive you home." Sasuke demanded- *cough* I mean, humbly requested. Even though Sasuke is irritated with girls, he is still some what a gentleman, even though it is not very often and it is not that noticable. But still, he respects people that he deemed worthy of his respect. And that includes Naruko. Why though? He didn't know himself.

"Meh, s'okay." Naruko declined.

"Did I stutter?"

"But teme I told it's fine."


"Teme, no"


The ride home is quiet, with a smug Sasuke in the driver's seat and a pouting Naruko baside him. No one said a word as the silence enveloped them again. It turns out, Sasuke won there argument for some reason. Sasuke can be so stubborn if he wanted to, and surprisingly, much more stubborn than Naruko, and the proof is right in there situation now.

"I should've went home by myself. I'm not that fragile." Naruko argued.

"It's already night time dobe. It's dangerous out of the night alone."

"I said I can take care of myself. I didn't get any trouble when I leave the house on midnight."

"Tch, just shut up and just be grateful that I actually offered you to ride my car."

"Oh yeah?! Well, I never asked you to. And what do you mean 'offer'? You litterally dragged me into your beautiful car!"

This is going to be a long night.....


Sorry for not updating for a really long time. I didn't actually thought of the plot when I made this so that's why the updates are to slow, I and I apologized for that. And of course the crisis happening in the world bothered me either, not just the virus, even the racism. It's just so cruel and disgusting. It's such a shame that I can just spread the word. But that's the most I can do. So please, spread the word.


I hope you had a great day.

°The Forgotten First Love°  (ON HIATUS)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz