Chapter Four- Lavender-eyed Cutie

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A shaky hand raised in the air as Naruko put her attention to the blushing boy in the back of the classroom.

His hair is dark-blue, which looks so smooth and silky. His eyes are the most unique in all of his features. His eyes are lavender colored. His face is handsome either.

'He looks so cute!' Naruko thought, inwardly squealing.

She walked forward to the boy, smiling at him which makes his face go red.

Hinata ducked his head as he broke the awkward eye contact they started. He did not really good at the ladies even if he tried to, he always blush before even talking to them, but. Right now with Naruko, it's different. Many girls smiled at him before but he always thought it's a friendly smile. But hers, her smile make his heart panic as his face became very hot like it's on fire. The way her blonde hair sway in every step she took made him more beautiful than before, her mesmerizing eyes that look like it's twinlikng that even stars can put to shame. Her whisker marks is just a bonus considering even without them she will still look cute. Her body is quite petite, but curvious. And her chest is well developed either *wink* *wink*. She looks stunning.

"Hello!" Her bubbly voice hit his ears that sounds music to his ears.

"H-hi." He stuttered. It's natural for him to stutter like this espacially to new people.

Naruko sat on her destined seat as she did not see any untaken seats anywhere. She first listened to the 5 first words that left the sensei's mouth as she zoned out quicker than she expected.

But little did she know, that the certain hedgehog of a hair is staring at you quite creepily if I may add.

'Naruko, your interesting.' he thought as he proceeded to listen to the lazy sensei in front of him, not without sneaking some glances in your way.

The class is finished and the students who is happily make their way to who knows where. Naruko observe the people who is passing by or communicate with themselves as the girl is going to her next lesson. Science  by Orochimaru.

She did not really know how to describe it but there was a feeling inside of her that make her uncomfortable. Is nervousness? No it's not, because this is not what she felt to the first class. Is it excitement? Hell no, who is excited in your first day of school? Definitely not her. She can't pin point it. So she brush off the feeling and continued her way to the second class.

She opened the door and walked to a seat in the back that is beside a window. (Typical anime cliche scenes...)

The sensei is not here yet because it's pretty early when she found the classroom, which is surprising. So because of that, the students were goofing around 'cause no one can tell them to stop unless the sensei came.

When she was waiting by distracting herself for the scenery beside her from the window, she did not noticed the door opened and the douchbag from before came to the classroom  and sat from the second row of the and sat on the second to the last row of seats which is also beside the window. He approach it and notice the blond there. He smirked and sat down.
No one knows what he's thinking..

The sensei came and boy I tell you, he is creepy as heck! His long straight hair that covers slightly his face, sickly pale skin  that looks like that he has some severe illness or something, his eyes are yellow with slits for iris, like a snake's eyes, his grin is creepy either. He looks like a pedophile. But, Naruko knew better to judge someone. What can she say? She is always being judged so she is sick of it.

"Hello ssssstudentssss~" The sensei hissed. "Welcome back to my classss, oh! We have a new ssstudent for today. Come and introduccce yourssself.~" Like seriously, why did he needs to hiss all the time he speaks an 's' pronounciation on it??

And then she introduced herself to all of the classes she attended. It's getting annoying actually.

And finally it's time for lunch. Naruko walked mindlessly as she did not know where to go. She eventually found it and sat on a seat where no one is there.

As she is eating, someone notice her and contemplated if he really wanted to go to Naruko.

'She seems lonely...' Hinata thought as he stared at the blond seating so he made up his mind amd nervously went to her seat.

"I-is this seat t-taken?" He stuttered.

He look at her as she look at him, smiled and shook her head.

Her smile makes him blush, he did not know why honestly...

Comfortable silence envelope the two as they eat. No words got expressed as they did not want the silence to break. But eventually, there was someone broke it.

That damn admirers!

Oh how she wanted to punch one by one of them on the face as they were blinded by the ego of that hedgehog of a hair. I mean, yes he is handsome, but his ego is much more bigger than the school itself. His pride is so thick as the make-up of his admirers that you can't even cut it with the butcher knife.

He is a jerk, if you wanted to summarize it.




Thank you for TodorokiUchiha for inspiring me even though you did not know. I got touched. Arigatou💕

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