A Really Inconviniant Quest part three(is this chapter EVER going to end!)

Start from the beginning


The monsters were arriving too fast, and there wasn't anything I could do about it. I had my hurricane up, but it was sapping my strength a lot less than it usually did. Also, the way I fought seemed wrong. It was like I was using iOS 4 when iOS 8 had just come out.
An empousa slashed at my head, and I yelped, suprised as the spear sliced my cheek. I wasn't expecting my blood to be gold, the colour of the gods, and for a moment, I felt disgust at the thought of god blood running through my veins. I hadn't any idea why, but as soon as it had come, the thought dissapeared, leaving a split second image of a stern looking man with eyes like the sky, swirling with wisdom and power. The image dissapeared, leaving me with a sense of being home.
Feeling recharged, I let out a battle cry and along with it, letting out the frustration that had built up since I had woken up at this strange place.
The battle cry turned into more of a shout of suprise when I suddenly caught on fire. I dropped on the ground, which I just noticed was covered in glass, but it didn't go out. It didn't hurt, either.
I stood up slowly, then figured I could use this to my advantage.
I ran at a hellhound, who yelped, burst into flames, then disintegrated.
I pressed my hand, which was also on fire, on an empousa's face, and she screamed before dying.
I turned around to realize that I was now far away from the giant and Bob, and I was alone in this dark place.
Oddly, it didn't bother me. This was going to sound weird, but I felt more at home in this dark cavern than I had in a while, which was saying a lot, because I had been very comfortable at Camp Half Blood. Suddenly, the image of the same man as before flashed in front of my eyes. A stern looking dude. As soon as I had seen it, the vision was gone, and I had no idea who he was. Just as
I was getting tired of fighting, an idea popped into my head.
The hellhound that was about to shred me to peices, froze.
It backed up, then sat in front of me, wagging it's enormous tail.
I had no idea where I had gained my newfound calmness, or how this hellhound was suddenly listening to me.
"All of you!" I barked. "leave!"
All around me, the monsters were bowing and walking away.
I was seriously creeped out. One second everyone is trying to kill me, the next second, they were all bowing down to me. This was way too weird.
Suddenly, the image of the same man as before flashed in front of my eyes. A stern looking dude who seemed ageless. Then, I suddenly forgot what I was thinking about.
I shrugged, then concentrated on the water in my body, focusing on then turning into water. I wasn't sure why I was told to do that, but I did it anyways. I trusted Annaneth.
I could feel my body start to become lighter, and I was about to think of Camp Half Blood, when I was distracted by something else. There was a slight smell of honey in the air, which reminded me Of Annabeth. I started to think about her, her curly blonde hair and her startling, beautiful grey eyes.
Before I knew it, my surroundings were starting to dissapear.
"No!" I yelled, but it was too late. I hadn't been thinking about my destination. Zeus knows where I'll end up now.
I closed my eyes and hoped it wouldn't be somewhere bad, like the River Styx or something. Knowing my luck, it would probably be something worse, and I would end up in Tartarus or something.
(Just to clarify, he has no idea where he is.)
I fell on top of something. Something squishy.
I opened my eyes groggily, and saw a pair of stormy grey ones staring back at me.
"Percy!" Annabeth yelled, swinging her arms around me.
I hugged her back, slightly confused. We had only been together for about five minutes. The way she was acting made it seem like we had been dating for years.
And why had I appeared here?
That was when I realized it. The last thing I had been thinking about was Annabeth, so I had appeared here, with her.
I heard an annoying feminine cough, which we both ignored.
Annabeth's lips met mine, and we kissed passionately.
"I love you," she whispered against my lips. "I love you so much."
I pulled away, looking at her in confusion.
We had only been together for a few minutes. Sure, I really like her, but did I Love her?
"Right," she muttered, looking like she was going to cry. "you don't remember."
There was the voice again.
"Shut up Nico!" Annabeth yelled.
I heard laughter, and I sat up quickly.
How many other people were here?
That was when I also remembered something else.
Annabeth and I had literally been rolling around in the ground, kissing.
Talk about akward.
I looked around to see Nico, Thalia, five teens I'd never met before, who were all wearing weird robes, which I had just realized I was wearing too, and Annabeth and Hermes.
Was I in some sort of cult?
I had gathered enough information to know that I had probably lost a large chunk of my memory.
"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I asked the five teens.
"Of course you do!" A tall red headed one answered, looking outraged.
"We're one of your best friends!" A scrawny boy with black hair and glasses exclaimed.
The phrase," I invented scrawny," and ,"team Leo," came into my head.
I had no idea where that came from, but I knew it had something to do with what I had forgotten.
"Who's leo?" I asked hesitantly.
Annabeth's face lit up instantly.
"Leo! Leo Valdez! Remember?"
The name certainly struck a memory. A scrawny Latino boy with elf like ears, wearing a tool belt an a CHB t-shirt, standing at the helm of what seemed to be a ship.
"I- I remember Leo!" I exclaimed. "Remind me! Remind me of more things!!"
"Frank! Hazel! Jason!" Annabeth yelled excitedly.
Images began popping into my head.
A tall boy with a baby like face. A young girl with mesmerizing golden eyes. A powerful looking boy with electrifying eyes like Thalia's, wearing a purple t-shirt, which all three of them wore.
"Camp Jupiter! Reyna!" Nico yelled in a slightly bored- I have no idea how he pulled it off- tone.
More images flashed into my head.
"And Hylla! The amazons! and the war! And gods!!! GAEA!" I exclaimed, and suddenly, the memories were back.
The image of the same man flashed into my head too. This time, he gave me a thin smile before fading away.
The image slipped to the back of my mind as soon as I remembered Hermes' quest.
"Bob got it," I told Hermes.
The god nodded apologetically.
"And for that, and for your troubles, here," Hermes pulled a box out of thin air.
"A pair of my flying shoes, and my blessing."
"Ummm, thanks," I muttered, putting on the shoes.
"Maia!"I told them, and wings fluttered out of the side of the black converse.
Even thought they were just shoe wings, they were beautiful.
The were black, with tendrils of silver and sea green running through it. (I love how his favourite colour is blue, but it's always sea green to represent him!)
I stared at them as I rose up, higher and higher, until I was halfway up the tall ceiling.
I began to hover, trying to figure out how to work the thing, when I realized the others were still standing below me.
Is slowly descended again, and set down on the floor.
The wings folded up and slid back into the shoes.
"So you remember everything again?" Thalia asked hesitantly.
I nodded.
"Clearer than ever!" I said brightly.
I gave Annabeth a huge hug and a short kiss.
"For example," I said softly into her ear. "I do remember that we're engaged."
She giggled softly, and I felt a hand tap my shoulder.
I spun around, only to see that it was Hermes.
"I also need to give you my blessing."
He put his hand on top of my head, which he had to magically grow a few inches to do. Aphrodite had decided that she wanted me to be taller, so she had made me taller.
Immediately felt tired, then full of energy. It was like drinking coffee after not sleeping all week.
"I removed your immortality, then gave you the blessing. You now have the ability to run faster than normal, you can lie without being detected and you can steal things very well."
"That would have been useful a like 24 hours ago!" Thalia glared at me.
"I almost woke her up. Almost. But she didn't get up, did she?" I retaliated.
"What are you two talking about?" Harry asked.
"Wait, 24 hours!" Fred began to think, and then, he and George simultaneously gasped.
"You three."
"Are the."
"Bane of Umbridge!" They said together.
"The what!?" We all asked, the confusion evident of our faces.
"It's what Hogwarts is calling it. You guys weren't around long enough to hear about it, but last night, someone," he shot a look at the three of us. "broke into Umbridge's office, and pretty much wreaked havoc on it.
They spray painted the walls black, put up dog pictures all over the office and left skeletons in all her drawers. They also broke a kitten plate. Apparently her favourite." Fred explained.
"Oh, that, yeah. That was us. And the plate was an accident. I accidentally bumped into it last night. We were just going to steal the quill, but then we were really tempted, so one thing led to the other and yeah," I told them.
There was a Long pause, were everyone just stared at each other for a few seconds, then began to laugh. Even Hermes.
When we finally calmed down, Hermes said," I got to go. Important work to do. Godly business. Bye!"
We all closed out eyes as he flashed out.
"So, that was super fun, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth said sarcastically. "but I need to leave too. Chiron must be worried. I just dissapeared."
She have me a kiss, then held on to Nico as he escorted her to Camp.
He was back a few seconds later, and we all just stood there for a few seconds, wondering what to do now.
I had just realized I was still covered in bandages. Oh well!
"We probably need to sleep. It's past midnight," Harry pointed out.
We all nodded, not even asking why it was suddenly so late.
We left the room of requirement, and walked slowly down the stairs to the Griffindor common room.
The portrait door swung open, and we walked in, laughing at a joke Ron had made about Umbridge. Hermione was lost in thought, thinking about something.
Just as we were all about to part and go to our dormitories, Hermione gasped out loud.
"Remember when you told me about the quills, and how they have you those cool powers, but came with a consequence, which was those seizure things?"
All of us nodded.
"Well, the powers weren't really powers at all. They were burdens. Kronos isn't in charge of time anymore. You are. You are the Titan of Time."

Yay!!!! I'm done part three of this chapter! Still one more part though... we need to get past Harry's POV. I wouldn't have updated this today, especially cuz I was supposed to do school and all, but then I saw that I now have 50k READS, and I was like AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH! So I decided I would finish what I had planned and give you guys an update for being awesome! So, this chappie is dedicated to all you awesome people out there, reading this. So, I was trying to do something new, with the glimpses of the face of an unknown stranger, and I'm starting to get some plans to turn this into a chaos story type thing and still be original. So let me know what you think about that.

Continue Being Awesome!

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