Zombie Apocalypse Part 2

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Warning thoughts of suicide. Its make believe so please dont come at me.

I just put leah with lucas. I just sat there on the edge of the bed they shared, I dont know for how long just sobbing not really believing my family is now gone. I look around their room and there were loads of pictures of us playing smiles is all you see. And I'd die to have little moments like that with my whole family again. I cried because how unfair it was that I just came back from deployment of 2 years to this. I wanted nothing more than to end my life here with them, but I just couldnt. Their were moments were I put the gun to my head thinking anything is better than this ache and guilt.

I must have been up here for awhile with the gun still pointed at my head crying hard. I know marines arent made to cry but any hard marine would cry in moments of loss especially for the people you love and who you fight for to better there life.

I didnt hear the door open because I drowned everything out with all the emotions I was feeling making me numb. The gun was still pointed to my head. But the person quickly snatched it from my hand taking the choice away from me.

"Please,let me choose whether or not to end my own life, I cant take the guilt of not protecting the only thing I hold dear to my heart my family, I spent two years fighting for my country, I arrived at washington tacoma a couple weeks ago and was quarantined right when we got off, I could've saved my family if I wasnt held against my own will,"you tell whoever it was brokenly.

"I tried to keep my coming home a surprise from my siblings but I guess I got a surprise of my own,"you say as you look at the necklaces around your neck.

"You guys can rob me right now and I wouldnt give two fucks about it, Life is meaningless without them, they brought so much joy to my life, I remember coming home from school and my parents sat me down and told me they were adopting and we were expecting twins a boy and a girl. I was sixteen and couldnt contain my excitement. I always wanted siblings but my parents couldnt conceive so when I heard I was finally getting them I vowed to keep them happy and protect them with everything I am. Now here we are in my dead siblings room and I couldnt even keep my promise,"you say brokenly sobbing for the millionth time. Arms wrap around you as you returned the hug hiding your face in their neck.

"Shhh its not your fault, there was nothing you couldve done, think about how they would feel if you ended your life," a raspy voice spoke.

"I shouldnt have left and joined the service maybe I wouldve been able to keep my promise,"you tell her tears falling freely down your face.

"I honestly dont know what to say to ease your pain because I havent even gotten over my parents death so i'm just gonna hold you until you feel better," she says rubbing your back calming you instantly. A few moments pass then you felt nothing.

"You guys can take my vehicle theres food water and weapons all the things you need to survive,"you say numbly handing her your keys without looking at her.

You look at your siblings motionless body you slump your shoulders defeated. You walk out of their room and into your room that was next to them leaving the girl with your dead siblings, not having the heart to leave them at all. You'd hope the girl took the keys and left but the vehicle never started so you knew they were all still there. You fell asleep hoping everything was just some bad dream and you'd wake up to your siblings jumping on your bed ready to play.

Camila's P.O.V.

I was still in the room with y/n's deceased siblings just looking at everything in their room and one thing I noticed is all the photos of them laughing or smiling.
I couldnt help but smile at it all she looked so happy playing with her family, I must've been in here longer than I expected because it was quiet for a long time then I heard laughing coming from the room next door to this one so I peeked my head in and saw Y/n laying on her side looking at her phone,

"Y/n come home already leah and I miss you so much, hurry or we will eat all the snacks you hid,"lucas says laughing with leah.

"Yea please come home its so boring without you, mommy and daddy are to old to play with us,you can hear the adults yell a hey in the background its true you said its bad to lie and they're lieing sissy you need to come teach them a lesson like last time,"leah says giggling the adults attack the twins causing them both to burst out laughing.

"Help!!they both yell laughing Stop please or I'll tell Y/n to get you when she gets home lucas threatens his parents hey you cant use that, dont listen to those hooligans they are causing so much trouble while your gone Y/n's dad says giggling with his wife,"

You can see y/n smile watching those old videos of her family. You can see how close she was to her family especially the way she talked about them. And you remember how close your family was and you kinda understand her pain except for the fact she lost her whole family and you still had sofi.

I thought back to the moment sofi walked off somewhere, how scared I was at that moment frantically searching for her. Thats when the zombies tried to attack us. Then I heard her voice and I relaxed a bit but then they turned and started making their way towards her. I didnt notice the brunette that was next to her until she picked her up and put her safetly in an abandoned car. She killed all of them except for one. I remember the heartbreaking sob that escaped her lips as she called out to the little girl who was one of them. How she spoke brokenly to her and then shot her still holding her close. I dont ever want to experience that type of loss.

I gently knocked on the door frame to get her attention.

"I told you to just take the car what are you still doing here?" She says while turning off the device. You can see her looking at you intently making you feel small under her gaze.

"We are not leaving you,Please come with us,"I say with pleading eyes.

"I cant leave them, I'm not ready to,"she says brokenly.

"Then we will wait here till you are,"I tell her softly.

"You can't you need to survive for Sofi, Dont be selfish her safety will always come before any stranger," She says strongly to you but you werent gonna leave because she will be safest with someone who knows how to fight the walkers and crazy living people.

"I'm not being selfish we dont know how to fight so we wont last a day out there we are safer with you please there are a lot of crazy people out there,"I tell her seriously and she looks to be thinking it over.

"Fine, but I'm not leaving yet,"She says and you happily agree with her.

Cliff hanger if you want me to continue any of the stories please ask in the comments. Thank you for sticking around and reading my short stories and unfinished stories. Dont forget to vote thank you sooo much. "Muah"

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