Enterprise...? Enty-prise...? Enty-chan...?

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Enterprise (sleep talks): "Yorktown...my sister..." 

Enterprise wakes up to find herself in her room. A shipgirl with a maids' outfit walks past her and draw open the curtains.

???: "Oh, you sound cute when you talk in your sleep,"

Enterprise sat quickly out of her bed and shields her eyes from the glaring rays of the morning sun as the curtains were drawn open

???: "Good morning~~ Did you sleep well?"

Enterprise: "You're-"

??? (giggles): "I am Belfast, the maid. Don't you remember?"

Enterprise thinks back. Suddenly, all her thoughts came crashing back into her brain.

Zuikaku: "Who-who the hell are you?!"

Belfast: "I already told you, I'm Belfast~"

Shoukaku: "Zuikaku!"

A bunch of Super Hornets swoop down and fired gunshots at Shoukaku at top speed. Shoukaku dodges them and lands next to Zuikaku. She quickly helps up the damaged Zuikaku.

Shoukaku: "Zuikaku?"

Zuikaku: "A maid...? What kind of madness is this!"

Prinz Eugen: "She's dead serious. Royal Navy, the second ship of the Edinburgh class of Light Cruisers -- Belfast. She looks like a joke, but she's still a legendary warrior. Don't underestimate her," 

(How do you call her legendary when she was my first ship pull? Even more surprising, she literally is my Nevada. She is always limit broken with herself)

Enty-Chan: "Is my Kaa-san okay?"

Belfast: "Yes, she's going to be fine,"

Prinz Eugen: "But... who-who is this? A young aircraft carrier? How can she defeat you, Zuikaku?"

Enty-Chan: "Well. Don't underestimate me! Hmph! I'll challenge you to a duel! See who wins, Prinz Eugen of Iron Blood! If I win, never hurt my Kaa-san again!"

Prinz Eugen (giggles): "Vielen Dank~ Indeed, I would like to challenge you. But first, I would like to settle some grudges with Belfast, far away from Iron Blood and Royal Navy,"

Prinz Eugen's mech sharks chomp aggressively.

Belfast: "I have no objections to your proposal. But, I am sorry..."

They turn around and notice the main Royal Navy Fleet coming their way.

Shoukaku: "That's..."

~~Trumpets and Drum rolls~~

Warspite stands atop of her ship, putting her sword in front of her in a battle stance.

Warspite: "I must remind you, we are responding with all our might,"

We see Hood, Edinburgh, Sheffield and the One and Only (smol) Queen Elizabeth.

Enterprise: "The main Royal Navy Fleet..."

Belfast: "So, have you made your decision?"

Prinz Eugen: "Guess it's time to quit when we're ahead,"

Nimi (very flustered looking): "The next time I see you, you better apologise for not taking this seriously!"

Laffey: "Hrm..." Laffey begins to nod off

" Laffey begins to nod off

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Nimi stomps off in anger.

Hornet: "Wow! My sister already has a daughter!  Where did you get her from, Enterprise? Enterprise? ENTERPRISE!"

Belfast: "Oh, um. I guess she fainted,"

Enterprise: "So uh... where's Enty-Chan?"

Belfast: "She's just outside, waiting for you! She looks kinda cute! May I ask, you are her mother right?"

Enterprise: "Oh...um- she's not my daughter but... um, we do look similar! So she calls me her Kaa-san,"  Which I like, personally. She's so cute!

Belfast: "Oh okay... I see..."

Enterprise: "Oh yes! I better get going!"

Belfast: "Are you going to eat breakfast?"

Enterprise (deadpan): "I have these..."

Enterprise picks up an MRE and tore it open. She was about to tuck into her 'breakfast' when a gloved hand came flying down at her. Enterprise raised her hand to block the blow, but Belfast just knocked her MRE flying. 

Belfast: "Let's fix you some proper breakfast!"

As soon as they stepped out of the door, Belfast bumped into Enty-Chan. Enty-Chan fell on her rump.

Enty-Chan: "Oof-"

Belfast: "Oh, I'm so sorry,"

Enty-Chan: "'Tis fine! Is my Kaa-san okay?"

Enterprise: "I'm fine, thank you!"

Enty-Chan snuggled close to Enterprise and hugged her tightly. Enterprise couldn't resist the temptation and petted Enty-Chan's head.

Enty-Chan: "What was that-?"

Enterprise: "So-sorry... I don't know what came over me..."

Belfast brought Enterprise, with Enty-Chan piggybacking on her, to the canteen, where Chicago served Enterprise a hefty serving of eggs, watercress, sausages and beans.

Chicago: "Thanks, Enterprise, for helping us! Oh and isn't that your child?"

Enterprise (surprised): "Oh, uh...your welcome...and uh..."

Hornet: "Big sis, when did you get a child?"

Hammann: "Is there a guy over here?"

Hornet and Hammann: "Did you...make her?"

Enterprise blushed deep red and Enty-Chan hid behind Enterprise.

Enterprise (mumbles): "Oh, Cleveland and I found her floating on the ocean. I just looked like her, so she calls me 'Mother' from then on..."

Hornet: "Then uh...what's her name?"

Enty-Chan: "My name is Enterprise, hull number 65!"

Hammann: "Another Enterprise...?"

Hornet: "Sooo...you are Enterprise...? Or are you Enty-prise...? Or Enty-Chan...?"

Enty-Chan: "Enty-Chan, at your service!" 

Hornet: "Oh, okay...me and Hammann are going to eat now! See ya later!"

Enterprise carried her meal to an empty table. Enty-Chan carrying a sandwich and orange juice sat next to her. Enterprise stared at her food, while Enty-Chan bit into her sandwich. Belfast suddenly walked up to Enterprise. She gave Enterprise a cup of tea.

Enterprise: "I prefer coffee..."

Belfast: "Coffee is nice, but tea is better..."


(I'm bored af)

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(I'm bored af)

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