The Defending

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(Note: Z23 is my starter ship, so whatever happens, blame it on this)

When Enty-Chan was finished being questioned, two ships named Javelin and Laffey met her and wanted to be my friend. Enty-Chan obviously agreed. What are friends?  She had asked herself. But soon, Laffey and Javelin made her feel, as humans usually say, at home. 

They brought her to this beautiful place, which the green grass was dotted with the palest blue flowers and the most yellow dandelions.

Laffey: "This is the place where Laffey-chan first met Ayanami-chan..."

Javelin looked kind of awkward, and quickly changed the topic.

Javelin: "Enty-Chan! Why are your flight decks so huge? And how do your planes not have propellers?" 

Enty-Chan: "Eh, I do not need propellers, because my planes run on jet engines,"

Javelin: "So cool! Can we see your flight deck again?"

Enty-Chan nodded quickly, summoning a large amount of those weird blue cubes into herself, and deployed my flight deck. The weight of the deck almost made her fall over, but I still proudly stood up, showing them a huge flight deck. In her one hand, Enty-Chan held a crossbow, which was red, white, and navy blue. On her waist was a metal scabbard with a short knife in it. On her arms were little mini guns, probably my anti-air. Laffey and Javelin looked at Enty-Chan in awe.

Laffey: "Laffey-chan thinks Enty-Chan's flight deck is cool..."

Javelin: "You look so cool!"

Enty-Chan felt cool too, but she quickly turned back to my normal human form. Enty-Chan plopped down on the dewy ground, and took a little ham sandwich and bit into it. Enty-Chan had never tasted human food, it tasted delicious! She wolfed down that sandwich quickly.

Enterprise: "Ah, Enty-Chan, you are here!"

Enty-Chan: "Kaa-san! Do you want a sandwich?"

Enterprise: "No, Enty-Chan, you can have it,"

Javelin: "Enterprise, are you hurt...?"

Enterprise: "Can you tell? It seems that my healing has slowed down..."

Javelin: "What! You have to heal properly!"

Enterprise: "The critical repairs are complete. There is nothing to worry about,"

Javelin: "Enterprise! Why do you push yourself so hard!"

Enterprise: "You ask a strange question. The purpose of our existence is to fight, there I no doubt.

Laffey: "But Laffey does not want to work when she is sleepy..."

Javelin: "L-Laffey-chan?!"

Enty-Chan secretly giggled. But she knew Kaa-san needs to rest. Laffey drunk some more of her Oxy-cola. But before Enty-Chan could say a word, Laffey spoke again.

Laffey: "But Laffey doesn't like it when people pick on Laffey's friends. When that happens,  Laffey will work a bit harder. What about you, Enterprise...?"

Enterprise: "I-"

Enty-Chan: "But Kaa-san... you cannot be hurt... I don't want you to be hurt!"

Enterprise: It's only been seven hours since I have saved her, but she cares for me!

Enterprise: "I'm sorry, Enty-Chan, I should be more careful,"

With that, Enty-Chan's Kaa-san whisked away.

~~At Hornet's fleet~~

North Hampton: Hammann, calm down!"

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