Goodbye and Hello - Chan *fluff*

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For my precious baby Mea's birthday


"Don't go! Don't leave me!" Meagan shouted after the car, her best friend being driven away in it. He had told her he was moving away not too long ago but she couldn't accept it. She wanted him to stay by her side forever. She could see him turn back to her, putting his hands against the window. Meagan started running, desperately trying to catch up to the car. She stumbled, falling on her knees as the car continued driving. "Channie, come back" she cried out, but the car continued driving, until Chan was completely out of sight.

"It's already been 10 years huh?" she said softly, laughing to herself as she was looking at her old photobook. She smiled to herself as she closed it again, standing up to finish cleaning up her room. "Mea, can you go grab some milk from the store? We're out and I have to go to work soon!" Her mom shouted from downstairs. Mea roller her eyes. "I will" she shouted back, already slightly annoyed again.

Earphones in, bag with her, NCT playing, money, check. She had everything. She loudly closed the door behind her, not even noticing due to her earbuds blasting so loud she'd completely forget everything around her. She looked up, seeing only one other person on the street, completely in black on a sunny day. He's completely going to melt, she thought to herself before continuing to walk to the store.

Once she was in the store she got milk like her mom requested. Her eye fell on the costumer somewhere behind her. It was the guy in black she saw just outside her door. She shook it off. It was just a coincidence right? She went on her way home once again, looking over her shoulder. Why was the guy still there? Was he following her? It send shivers down her spine. She instantly reached for her keys, desperately trying to get them out her pocket.

The guy behind her started laughing, freaking her out even more. "One day you ran after me, and now you're running away from me? Come on Mea, am I that scary?" the guy asked. Meagan finally turned around to face him, her eyes growing wider. Sure, he'd grown taller, more handsome, definitely more handsome, but that smile of his never changed.

"Channie?" Meagan asked, feeling tears dwell up in her eyes. Chan's smile grew, opening his arms wide for the girl to run right into, something they always used to do. Without even thinking Meagan dropped the milk carton, jumping right into Chan's arms. He stumbled back slightly, twirling his old friend around. "I thought you were some scary stalker you idiot" she said, laughing through her tears. "Only for you" he joked, putting her down again.

Meagan looked back, finally seeing the spilled milk all over the ground. "Ehm... Why don't we go back to the store to get you some more" Chan laughed, looking at the girl pouting. He ruffled her hair, softly smiling. She didn't change at all.

"Channie!" Meagan shouted, finally looking at her best friend. She dropped everything she was holding, running right into his arms, letting the tears all out. "Where have you been, I was so scared! There was thunder, and it was so close, and, and" she rambled on, clinging onto him as if her life depended on it. Chan finally managed to calm her down, looking back at the broken bottle behind her. Apparently nothing else mattered anymore as Chan appeared.

"Anyways, why are you here? Did you move back?" Chan shook his head, taking out a picture of the two of them as kids, this exact date shown. "Remember we promised each other if we weren't dating each other on this day we'd marry each other?" Mea stopped walking for a second, looking at him in disbelief. "You still remember that? It was from ages ago!" Chan nodded laughingly, the two continuing to walk again.

"So, tell me. Are you dating anyone or do I get to marry you?" Chan asked, wiggling his eyebrows. Meagan jokingly hit his arm, shaking her hear. "Don't tell me you came all the way here just for that stupid old promise?" Chan tried to look offended. "What do you mean stupid? I need to know if I'm looking at my future wife!" Meagan let out a sigh, finally admitting. "Okay, I don't have a boyfriend right now... I'm guessing by the sound of it you're not dating anyone either?"

In an instant Chan swung Meagan over his shoulder, walking back to her house again. "What are you doing, put me dooown!" she whined, trying to get out of his grip. He picked up the keys that had fallen on the ground, only putting her down as they were finally in her room. He sat down on one knee, jokingly holding up the first plushie he saw. "Mea, will you keep to the promise and marry me?"

Meagan bursted out in laughter, nodding to go along with the joke. "Sure, I'll marry you" she laughed, barely able to control her breathing. Chan picked her up again, putting her on the bed. "Wait, what are you doing?" She asked, suddenly flustered as his face grew closer. He smirked, bending in even more.

"Getting ready for the wedding night."

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