dancing in the rain - Felix *fluff*

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"You've got to be kidding me" I said as I looked outside, letting out a loud sigh. I packing my books, ready to go home. "The weather really turned... Did you bring an umbrella?" Felix, my classmate, asked as he walked up, looking out of the window. I nodded, still focussing on my bag however. "I have no idea if it'll last though, considering the storm, but let's hope so!"

He leaned on the windowsill, his head resting on his hand. "I forgot mine" he said disappointed. He turned to me, his backpack resting on one shoulder. "Can we share yours? We have to go in the same direction anyways!" he suggested hopefully. "Sure" I simply said, a little surprised. We never really talked all that much, so it was pretty sudden.

I swung my backpack over my shoulder as the both of us started walking to the entrance, silently and a bit awkward. "So, ehm... How did you do on the test today?" he started, trying his best to make the situation less awkward. I let out an enormous sigh. "It went horrible! I just wish someone could explain the subject to me without constantly involving his personal life" I said irritated, hinting towards the teacher. Felix chuckled. "If you want I could teach you?" I instantly turned to him, slightly looking up at him. "Really? You're the best!!"

This time it was his turn to be surprised, but he found it rather cute. Since we had never really talked, I guess there was a lot we didn't know about each other. A conversation started, effortlessly talking about everything you could even think of! It was really easy and comfortable, talking to him.

As soon as we got outside I opened the umbrella. Felix scooted over closer, our arms brushing against each other. He simply kept the conversation going, me trying my hardest to focus on it, even though my heart started beating louder and louder. There were puddles everywhere from the heavy rain fall. I didn't really notice until it was too late.

I slipped, falling backwards. The umbrella fell out of my hands, blowing away. Felix instantly caught me, holding my waist. "Y/N, are you okay?" he asked instantly, worry spread all across his face. I nodded, getting back up. In these few seconds the rain had already gotten to us.

"We should probably run home" he said, already starting, yet stopping when he saw I wasn't moving. "Come on, we're already soaked wet anyways!" I shouted back at him, twirling around in the rain. He watched, a huge smile plastered on his face. "Listen, you'll think otherwise when you're sick tomorrow, let's go!"

He ran back, taking my hand in his as he pulled me along with him. Since his pace was much faster than I could keep up with, I stumbled behind him, tripping once again, right into his arms. My hands were on his chest, our bodies pressed together because of the speed we had run at. He instinctively wrapped his hands around my waist once again, smiling to himself.

"Did you just fall for me?" he said jokingly, teasingly. I sighed, but couldn't help but feel the blood rush to my cheeks. "You wish" I said back, trying my best to convince myself I didn't feel anything rather than convincing him. "And what if I did wish?" he asked, throwing me off guard, instantly sending me into panick mode.

"Wait, you do...? Or-" He put a finger on my lips, silencing me. He slowly moved his hand to my cheek, looking me right in the eye. "Can I?" he asked carefully. As he saw me nod he leaned in, slowly connecting our lips. "You have no idea for how long I've been wanting to do this."


"Felix, come on man! When are you going to stop talking detours home?" Minho, Felix's best friend asked. Felix wasn't paying attention though, simply staring at the girl right in front of him. Minho noticed, letting out a sigh. "Okay, when are you gonna talk to her? You've liked her for ages, come on! A simple hi wouldn't hurt anyone." Felix shook his head. "I can't, what if she'll think I'm weird?"

Minho shook his head, putting a hand on Felix's shoulder. "Listen, either you talk to her or I will talk to her for you, which is it going to be?" Felix groaned in defeat. "Fine, I'll talk to her tomorrow, but if things don't work out you owe me comfort food!" Minho smirked, patting his best friend on the back. "Deal man."


"Dude, the day is almost over! When are you talking to her?" Minho asked, seeing Y/N already pack up her bag. Felix's eyes flickered, clearly stressed. "What on earth do I say!" Minho looked outside, stealing Felix's umbrella before he could protest. "You're sharing her umbrella!" he said, pushing Felix towards Y/N.
"Good luck bud!"

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