Real - your bias *fluff*

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"You know, I muttered, purposely scooting over closer, wrapping his arms around me as I sat inbetween his legs, "sometimes I wonder what it feels like if I actually knew you all," I admit. "Now don't get me wrong. I know it won't ever happen, and writing about it all is nice, imagining the things I know will never happen, and just being able to support you from the side lines is more than enough, I just... have this lingering feeling, which I know I shouldn't have, but I can't seem to shake it off."

I could hear him chuckle behind me, pulling me closer to him. "So the version of me here hugging you isn't enough? I'm a little hurt," he fake whined, making me let out a laugh as well. "You probably shouldn't even exist," I tell him. "I mean, if I keep imagining things like this, how am I ever going to face reality that it will never happen?" I let out a sigh, closing my eyes. "I know it won't ever happen, so it's not necessarily the problem that I still have hope, or am that delusional. I know better, but sometimes I just can't help but wish that maybe the stories I make up in my head would come true after all."

I threw back my head with a sigh, leaning it against his chest. "It's stupid, isn't it? I know it'll never happen, we're only idol and fan, nothing more, so why do I wish I could just text you about my day, when something good happens, or come to you for advice, or simply tell you how much you mean to me. Sometimes I forget we're not actually friends that I can just talk to whenever I want, and it shouldn't make me sad, and truly I'm happy with the way things are now, but my head has just been messing with me lately... it's a little frustrating, really."

His thumb softly stroke my arm, knowing how it would calm me down. Skinship was always the way to do so with me. A hug, and my worries slowly seemed to disappear. "I'm sure the actual me out there in the world appreciates you, you know. Even if he doesn't know of your existence specifically, which, I'm going to be real with you, he probably doesn't, I just know he's thankful to have you as a fan. Maybe it's not so direct, but I'm sure that your being alone is already making him happy, when he remembers all of the stays supporting him. And among all of them, there's you. If it were me, I'd be really happy."

A small smile appeared. "You think so?" He nodded, with a hum following. "Why wouldn't he be?" "I don't know," I muttered back. "There are so many fans claiming they love you, and yet do so many things to hurt you. I just can't help but worry that you wouldn't like us anymore because all that's been happening." He squeezed his arms around me tighter, giving me a small peck on the top of my head. "If there's one thing I know, that's something you won't have to worry about. I'm sure the real me out there knows too that there's a difference between those fake fans, and those who truly support him and the other members. Just like you do."

My smile grew wider, holding onto his arms to in a way hug him back. "Maybe I shouldn't be this happy that you're here," I chuckled. He shook his head instead though. "Nah, I don't think that's it. I'm here to help you cope with life, aren't I? I've seen you worried or crying so many times, and yet every single time when you came to me, you always left with a smile on your face. Who cares if it's a little unhealthy. As long as you stay true to reality and don't lose yourself, I think it can't hurt to wish for comfort. And if I'm the one who gives you that, then I'm glad I could help."

I rested my head against his arm, closing my eyes, starting to finally feel drowsy after all of my previous worrying. "Thank you for being here for me, even if you're not real. I'll be sure to support the real you as much as I can." He let out another chuckle, stroking my hair softly. "You just worry about your own support okay? As long as you're okay, you'll get more time to support others, but for now, I want you to focus on yourself. And don't worry, I'll be here if you need help with that, and I'll always be." A big smile formed on his face, now hearing the familiar rythmic sound of the soft breaths.

"Sleep well, my stay."

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