stubborn - Jeongin *fluff*

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How on earth was it possible for practically all the supermarkets in the area, to not have that one specific chocolate anymore? You'd say at least one of them should have it right? Three boxes of the special winter chocolates, my mom had instructed me. She had given hers away, and soon after regretted it. It was a limited edition after all. I was already at our city centre, where all the shops were located, including three of the four supermarkets our city had. I even checked two other shops that sold some snacks, but with no avail. It wasn't like they were sold out either; it just seemed like none of them had those in the first place. Which was weird, since one of them was the place mom had bought them from two weeks ago.

The only choice left was the supermarket just outside of the city centre. Not too far away, only a couple more minutes than usual by foot, but it was far enough to be the last to go to. Unless it was absolutely necessary, I never really went there. But well, this was one of the times I had no choice. If she didn't get those chocolates, our household was no longer safe to live in. I let out a small sigh, pressing the play button again on my phone, allowing the music to continue playing. It felt rude to listen to music while talking to someone else, an employee in this case, which was why I always paused it at moments like those. It was never off for long though.

I put my phone back inside my right pocket, stuffing a hand in each of the pockets my jacket had. The weather had been growing colder these days. So quickly, that it changes from simply cold to actually freezing in a single night. Worst of all was that it didn't seem like it was going to change anytime soon. It was only autumn, so shouldn't it at least be a little warmer than this? It wasn't that I hated the cold. I just much more enjoyed it from home, wrapped around in a blanket, sitting in front of the fireplace, with a cup of hot chocolate to top it off. Probably why I was sent out by my mother to get the chocolated instead of her doing so herself, but it wasn't like I truly cared enough to tell her no.

I was greeted with a warm brush of air all over me as I entered the last supermarket, a small sense of relief washing over me. Finally, some warmth back. I had already lost my hope of finding the chocolates, but at least now I could truly say I tried everything. Otherwise, knowing her, I'd probably be sent back to check here too. Better to go now that I was close enough already.

Even though I barely visited, I knew it well enough already to know where the chocolates were located. Especially with these sorts things, knowing where to look was important. It saved going through the entire store, and made sure I didn't have to ask anyone for help, allowing my music to keep on playing peacefully. A quick walk to the chocolate section, and there I was, scanning the shelves one by one. It was quite crowded here, which I wasn't particularly fond of, but that was only logical with Christmas just around the corner. I'd just check quickly and get out of there. Before looking for them however, I quickly grabbed myself one of my favorite chocolate bars. Things had been busy, I deserved this, I thought to myself, quickly getting back to my original task. n- Wait a second. Are those...? I tiptoed as I scanned the highest shelf. I had spotted the particular brand she wanted already, but for the first time today they seemed to have a broader assortiment than the others. Was there still hope? My eyes stopped as I scanned the third box, a small smile forming, the corners of my mouth rising. As if someone had answered my prayers, there they were. Three boxes to be exact. "Finally," I muttered thankfully, already checking out how sturdy everything looked. The top shelf meant climbing on the first to be able to reach. Even then, it may be difficult, but I wasn't going to give up after just one small hurdle. Just a little stretching and all would be good.

I put my right foot on the small steel railing right in front of the first shelf. I had no clue if they had an actual purpose, but I always liked to believe that it was made specifically for us anxious smaller sized people. No asking anyone for help was made a lot easier now. I shifted just past a guy with my body, now fully leaning on the railing, with my hands already holding onto the top. Couldn't let myself fall backwards now. My arm went up, my hands desperately trying to reach for those three boxes.

Come on... why was this so hard? They were right there, so why..." I groaned, bringing my arm down again for a second. Who on earth decided to move these up so high? And all the way to the back too. It honestly felt like it was meant for tall people only. Which was quite evil, since I was the one who needed to grow more. I once more reached up, thrown off guard as the first chocolate bar started to slip off my arm. I couldn't let go with my right arm, since that would mean I'd fall right back, but my left arm was too high up to reach for it in time. I already groaned. That was going to break any second now.

"Oh," a voice exclaimed, catching the chocolate right as it started falling. Owhmygosh, my savior. I looked to my right, making out the guy that I just shifted past. His long black bangs falling just over his round glasses as he looked down at the chocolate, before bringing his gaze back to me, standing next to me with a grin. "You know I can just get them for you right?" he asked smoothly, seeming to find the whole situation quite amusing. It was as if my brain had a shortcut. He was... very, very cute. His easygoing style with the black t-shirt and gray sweatpants only emphasizing on his adorable face. Wait. No. Don't stare. I have to answer.

"Thanks, but I'm too stubborn for this."




WHAT WAS THAT? I'm ToO sTuBbOrN fOr ThIs? Was that the best my brain could come up with. I mentally slapped my forehead, instantly looking back at the three chocolate boxes. There was no way I could face him now if I didn't get them. Tiptoeing again, pulling me up just a little higher this time. If I don't get them myself, I'll just look like a complete idiot. I could just feel him still watching the, that stupidly adorable grin plastered on his face. He still had my chocolate anyways, plus he probably now wanted to see me succeed. Well, that made two of us.

I gasped, finally able to touch the top one. Thank goodness. That took long enough. I was able to pull them forward, just enough to be able to actually grab them. I took them one by one, stepping off the railing again. I gave a quick glance to the guy, who was already handing me the chocolate. "Thanks," I muttered, giving him a quick nod before speedwalking right past him.

Just why do I always have to embarrass myself in front of the cutest guys out there?


So, a quick author note, something I rarely do, but this actually happened to me a couple of months ago. I was so embarrassed, but I think I gained myself a crush that day. Never saw him again sadly but my heart was racing-

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