Chapter 7: Suga Winfrey

Start from the beginning

"Well for now since you're the youngest and also the newest, we'll be taking care of you," Hobi says with a smile. "But you're welcome to care for us once you're more comfortable. Speaking of, it's my turn now right?" he asks, looking around at the group while Namjoon and Taehyung untangle themselves from around me.

"Do you have any siblings?" Hobi says, smiling up at me. "All of us have either older or younger siblings."

His smile falls, the question giving another pang in my chest. "No, I was born an only child." I say softly, shaking my head. "It must be fun having siblings though." The members give me a sympathetic look before turning to Jungkook.

"Hmm, let me think.." he says softly to himself, taking a few moments. "Have you ever dated anyone?" he says with confidence, causing some of the guys to choke on their own saliva in surprise. I myself was taken aback by this question.

"I uh.." I stutter as I look over at the baffled men in front of me. "I have... but they either found their soulmate and left or left because we ended up not being soulmates. Though I haven't kissed anyone yet, if that's more of what you wanted to hear."

I decided to tease the maknae and hopefully get a cute reaction out of him. My strategy works, as Jungkook's face begins to turn a bright shade of red in embarrassment. "I-It's not like that!" he stutters, and I sort of feel bad for him. He looks like he's just about ready to curl into a ball and hide.

"Don't worry, I'm just teasing," I say with a soft smile. "I know what you meant."

That leaves two more members. Two more questions. "Ah Namjoon, you go first. I still need to think," Jin says with a knowing smile, and I look over to see Namjoon staring at me intensely.

I can practically see the wheels turning in his head as he tries to figure out how to phrase his question, or rather what kind of question he should ask.

"What kind of music are you into? Other than Kpop I mean," he asks finally after a few moments of silence.

Oh, well that wasn't what I was expecting. I thought he was gonna give me a long philosophical question of some kind but I guess I was wrong.

"I enjoy most music, except for country and heavy metal. Lately I've been listening to classical and old-fashioned rock and roll, as well as some hip-hop," I reply, smiling a bit.

Finally a topic I enjoy. Of course now my brain decides it's going to flip the happy switch, and soon I find the lyrics to 'We Are Bulletproof pt. 2' stuck in my head.

Yoongi lets out a sigh of relief and I give him a questioning glance. What did he expect me to say, Baby Shark? All eyes then turn to Jin for the final question. Alright, just one left right? Can't be all that bad.


Not at all.


"What's your relationship with your parents? Since you didn't live with them before you arrived, I'm a little curious." He asks, and I nearly choke on the goddamn oxygen trying so desperately to keep me alive.

I hold a hand to my heart and bite my lip, unsure how to answer this. That's the most personal question I've been asked today, one that I'm not ready to answer.

What the fuck am I supposed to say? That I don't speak to my mother and that my father is a good for nothing piece of crap? Yeah, that'll leave a great impression. I think the others can sense my inner turmoil, because their expressions begin to become more worried.

"I uh, I'm not sure how to answer that," I say honestly, gripping the ends of my sleeves with my hands. I begin to feel more uncomfortable by the second as seven pairs of eyes stare into my soul. God, please tell me one of them can read the room here?

After a few moments and the realization that they can't, I simply stand up and say, "Excuse me," before swiftly walking down the hall to my room.

None of them go to follow me, but I hear Jin's voice saying, "What did I say?" before I hurry into my room and close the door behind me.

I've realized that as I write these chapters become longer and longer, especially since I'm completing this one at about 2:30 am PST.

~ Author-chan

~ Author-chan

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