13 • My Woman

Depuis le début

It has been a couple of weeks since you have talked to Taehyung, but you could never escape the thought of him. You heard him in the laugh of Yeonjun whenever he was over. You saw him in the stupid panda plush that inconveniently sat on your bed. And you never seemed to be able to evade the name whenever you talked to any of your friends. Truth is, you missed him.

To repudiate that, you had fallen into the habit of going home with the same couple of men almost every night to ungracefully fuck the sad out of you.

However you quickly realized that no amount of pleasure could fill the hole he had managed to slither into and burn in your heart. To say that it did not help that everyone around you was happy would sound selfish, but it was a reality. Uma and Hoseok are now speaking again, and Yoongi just told you that he's meeting Jimin's parents in a week or so. You've met Jungkook for coffee a few times at school, but he was always kind enough to refrain from mentioning his roommate to you, besides the phrase he always seems to think will make you call him first.

He misses you.

Tonight, you have stupidly taken the happy hour shift causing a bustling Bang's to buzz with customers, which is fine with you because anything to distract yourself is welcomed with open arms. It's no surprise when the booth Yoongi was just bussing is filled again, prompting you to attend to it.

"Hi guys, my name's Y/N and I'll be your server tonight. Can I get you started with any drinks?" You smile at the group. Scanning their faces, you're suddenly grateful you chose this shift as you're met with the faces of some of the most beautiful humans you've ever seen.

"Hm, what would you like Rika?" One of the men asks the woman beside him as he pushes his rounded glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"I don't know, you know I don't drink. Can I just have a Coke?" She asks, her voice so sweet you feel you are in a trance as you mindlessly scribble her drink.

"I'll have a beer," a deep voice you could drown in says from his corner of the booth as he smiles childishly at you. "Yugyeom will have one too," he points to the first man who first spoke and he nods.

"Lucas, shouldn't we order four more for the others?" The woman asks, her sweet eyes staring at the one with the cute smile.

"Oh yeah, four more please," he winks and you almost drop your pen.

"I'll be right out with your order," you smile and walk off, your heart doing somersaults.

Lucas rakes a hand through his brown fringe as he watches your figure sway away. He kisses his teeth before smiling back at his friends, "nice place."

"Yeah, looks popular," Rika scans the crowded area and line at the front of the entrance. "When's everyone else coming?"

"Kai texted that he would be here soon," Yugyeom glances at his phone, "they just had to pick up Taehyung."

"He hasn't shown up to the building in 3 weeks, good luck with that," Lucas scoffs.

"Here they are."

The three direct their attention toward the four men emerging from the crowd. Taehyung stumbles a bit but Samuel and Jungkook drape his arms around their shoulders enough for the three to make it to the table in one piece.

"Sorry we're late," Lucas stands so Kai can scoot into the booth, "found this guy drunk as a skunk in his room."

Taehyung settles into the soft cushion of the booth and feels his eyelids grow heavy.

"Aye!" Samuel shouts, snapping his fingers in front of Taehyung's limp face. "Wake up!"

"Aish, Kook thought he could use a night out and his uni friends aren't available so I thought he could join us for our end of the week drink." Everyone blinks their eyes in surprise at Kai. "What? I can be a nice guy."

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