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I do not own naruto or any of the Gif's or pictures btw please excuse any grammar issues this is my first fanfiction so please be nice and give feed back and your current age is as if you were in shippuden

You were so excited today you were almost jumping out or your own skin. Today you were going to see your best friend hinata hyuga who you hadn't seen for a while since you've been on alot of missions lately. She had invited you, ino,sakura,and tenten for a girls night out wich of course all of you agreed. You were walking towards the hyuga residence as you saw sakura walking into the door. She saw you and imidadtly yelled "(Y/N)!! Hurry up and come inside". you started to run for the door and made it inside the hyuga residence in no time at all. You and sakura were the first guests so the three girls sat there on the couch patiently waiting for the other's to arrive. In the mean time tho the three were all chatting it up about what you should do during the girls night out.

After around fifteen minutes of waiting both ino and tenten finally both showed up. Ino and tenten gave their greeting then the five girls went up to hinata's room. " what do you girls want to do" asked sakura."umm w-what about truth or dare" you suggested."that sounds like a great Idea" said ino. "R-really?" You asked questionably since most of the time people thought that your ideas were dumb. "Yes o-of course" said hinata quietly wich made you blush a little especially since you alredy had a crush on her you were just to shy to tell her and you didn't want to ruin your friendship with her.

You had spaced off while the other four girls were playing the game you thought about when you had first met hinata

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You had spaced off while the other four girls were playing the game you thought about when you had first met hinata...

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Can I Love You ( Naruto Fanfic)( Hinata Hyuga X Fem Reader) [DONE]Where stories live. Discover now