Bonus: Hosting Ontario

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(Various clips of Chris McLean from the past seasons of Total Drama play with montage music. It then cuts to Chris being interviewed by a reporter)

Reporter: Chris McLean, are you ready to be the guest host for the reboot of Canada's late night talk show?

Chris: Absolutely! I'll be sure to bring the ratings to an all-new high level. Plus, it would be amazing to help green light another season of Total Drama, and I tell you...

(Cuts to Chris' interview on a TV in a dark room)

Chris: ...this will be the best show ever!

(The TV turns off as the camera pans to a chair with someone sitting in it with their back turned)

???: (altered voice) Well well well, you honestly think you can host another show just to promote a new season of Total Drama while you're still in jail, huh? Well, sorry but it's not happening. The show is fine where it ended and the last season WAS called Total Drama Finale for a reason. Plus, no one wants to audition for your show anymore. I think we're all happy to be away from you and your sick games. Also, you're hosting skills seem to be overrated. How about you let someone else take over hosting for a change? Someone like...

(The chair turns around to reveal Topher)

Topher: (normal voice) Me! (He laughs as he gets out of the chair) I will be the one who'll be delivering the best rating on this show. And instead of promoting a new season of a certain show, (he walks over to Chris; who is bound and gagged to another chair) I will go out and make this the best and funniest show, (looks into the camera) or fan fiction, (looks back at Chris) ever.

(Chris screams just as a producer shows up off-screen)

Producer: Topher, it's showtime.

Topher: Well then, (he begins to push the chair that Chris is in) time to make some magic. (They leave)

(Cuts to the intro)

Announcer: From Ottawa, it's "Hosting Ontario"; the new late night talk show where each night, a new guest host takes over to bring something new to late tonight. Tonight's host from "Total Drama"; (a picture of Chris shows up before it is slapped over with Topher's picture) Topher. Join him and his guests, also from Total Drama and it's spin-off "The Ridonculous Race"; (the pictures of his guests show up every time they're announced) Rock, Sammy, Ezekiel, Geoff, Brody, B, Lorenzo and Lammy, and (another picture of Chris shows up) that's it. With Ridonculous Race host Don as the co-host and featuring "The Drama Brothers". And now, here's tonight's guest host; Topher.

(Cuts to a late night stage as the audience applauds. Don is standing to the left side of the stage while The Drama Brothers (Harold, Cody, Trent, and Justin) play on the right side of the stage. Topher then runs out still pushing Chris along. He then lets go of him as he shoves him to the back of the stage before standing in front of the audience)

Topher: Thank you everyone! Thank you! Welcome to Ottawa, Canada; and welcome to Hosting Ontario. I am your host; Topher. Thank you everybody. (Everyone cheers) I know what some of you readers are thinking; does my monologue and my intro with (points to Chris behind him) this one over here look familiar to you? Well, this is a fan fiction and we can get away with ripping off a few things. (Everyone laughs as Izzy and Chet run up to him) I know, I broke the fourth wall yet again. (Chef arrives and takes Izzy and Chet away) Hey, if you've read the description before you read this part of the story, you know there's going to be some fourth wall breaking there. I mean, we already had fun playful stories, dramatic stories, heart breaking, and heart warming stories during this great and final Total Drama season. So I think it's time for a funny story and just go all out. In this case; we're, as in the writer and this wonderful cast, are acknowledging that this is a fan fiction and we're deciding to make fun of it, especially since this is the actual final part of Total Drama Finale.

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