Episode 13: The End (Alternate Ending)

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Sammy: (annoyed) Just give up Duncan. I'll reach the million before you even if your arm wasn't broken.

Duncan: No way! I've come too far to let the million get away from me. I'll make sure that your little pet shop dream with your father never comes true.

Sammy: We'll see about that.

(Both of them continue to climb the mountain. Rock and Beth cheer from the ground)

Rock: You can do it Sammy!

Beth: You're almost there!

(Surprisingly, both finalists reach the millions' position first. They both reach the surface and run towards the case. However, both of them grab the case at the same time and begin to struggle over it.)

Beth: (shocked) A tie?

Rock: (concerned) Now who wins?

Chris: Whoever rips the case out of the others' hands.

Duncan: (angry) Let go of it! This is my million dollars!

Sammy: (annoyed) No, it's mine!

(Both of them continue to pull the case away from each other. Despite his busted arm, Duncan still has enough strength to pull the case away from Sammy. He then pushes her off the mountain; landing in a puddle of mud at the bottom. Rock and Beth run over to her)

Rock: (worried as he kneels down in the puddle) Sammy, are you alright?

Sammy: Yeah. (she then notices that she's holding the case and is stunned) Oh my gosh, (upset) I've lost.

Chris: Yep, Duncan wins Total Drama Finale and is the last winner of the Total Drama series. That's two wins. I'm impressed. We've never had something like this before.

Duncan: (excited) YES! In your face Samey!

Sammy: I still can't believe I've lost. Now how am I going to fulfil my dreams?

Rock: I'm sure there's still a way. Something good can still happen. (he and Sammy hug before his phone rings) Who could that be? (he answers it) Hello?

(The screen splits with Rock on the left side and Brody on the right)

Brody: Rock, I'm glad you picked up! Is it alright if you put Sammy on? Her father has something he wants to say.

Rock: Dude, you're with her father?

Brody: Yeah. I was riding my bike and I ran into him outside her house. I was more than happy to help him.

Rock: Okay. (he hands Sammy his phone just as Brody gives his phone to the triplets' father)

Sammy: Daddy?

Triplets' father: Yeah, it's me. Did you win?

Sammy: No I didn't.

Triplets' father: I'm sorry to hear that. I'm very proud of you anyway, and it was alright if you didn't win.

Sammy: What do you mean?

Triplets' father: I wanted to tell you that I quit my old job. I made so much spare money that I'm able to open up that pet shop we dreamt about. It wasn't my intention to save up for that at first, but five years after your mother and I broke up, I thought that would be a good thing to save up for. I didn't say anything to you because I didn't want you to be disappointed if it didn't work out. But luckily it did and now you, Lammy, and I can be together again.

Sammy: (touched) Oh daddy, thank you! I love you!

Triplets' father: I love you too. (he hangs up)

Sammy: (giving Rock his phone back) My daddy's got enough money for the pet shop! Now I don't mind that I've lost. Even if I did, I'm going to give it to all my friends.

Rock: Thanks Sammy. This calls for a celebration.

Sammy: What kind of celebration?

Rock: Since you want me to give music one last shot, how about on the ride home we have karaoke as my goodbye to music?

Beth: That sounds like a wonderful idea!

Sammy: I can agree to that.

Duncan: (outraged) I can't believe I won Total Drama again. I don't believe this. I love this show. Chris and Courtney were the best hosts who supported me. I love the producer and those three police officers even. (he then turns to the police officers and producer and is shocked) The Producer and three police officers?!

Chris/Courtney: Oh shoot!

Producer: That's right Duncan. And you wouldn't get the money either way because criminals like you don't deserve it. (he takes the million dollar case away from Duncan)

Chris: (sheepish) Uhh, what are you guys doing here?

Producer: We have had enough of your crap McLean. (the officers grab his, Courtney, and Duncan's arms) You have done nothing but tormenting these innocent kids for the last seven seasons, and I believe you got Courtney here to join you.

Courtney: N-No he wasn't. I'm a victim too.

Producer: Save that for the warden. (to Duncan) And you've been charge of abuse, torment of another contestant on the show, and attempted murder of another contestant. You three will be going away for a long time.

Duncan: Aww, but I was celebrating my victory.

Chris: Go ahead. Me and Courtney can wait.

Courtney: Yeah. It'll just be a year long sentence. No biggie.

Producer: I don't think so. You will be going away forever. I'd say your prison sentence is life this time.

The three prisoners: WHAT?!

Producer: (to Sammy, Beth, and Rock) Now let's get you guys home. And here is your million dollar case Sammy. (he hands the case to Sammy) I'd say you'd be the last winner of the Total Drama series either way.

Sammy: Thank you, but before we go; can we sign out the show ourselves?

Producer: (shrugs) I don't see why not. We gotta close down the show. Alright, you three take it from here.

Sammy: Thank you. (to the camera) Well, that's it for the very last season. We would like to thank each and every one of you for sticking around until the very end. It has been a wild 13 years. Well 16 if you count the many hiatuses this book has.

(Izzy then pops her head out of the mud)

Izzy: (points at Sammy) Fourth wall breaker! Man you guys really need to go along with the program. (She disappears as Sammy, Beth, and Rock laugh)

Sammy: Anyway, it's been quite a journey. And we thank you for all the support you've been giving us. Be sure to keep sending in your fan art or fan fictions of the show. The soon to be former Total Drama team really love and appreciate you guys' works. For Chris McLean, we're Sammy, Beth, and Rock; and this has been...

All three of them: Total Drama Finale!

(End credits)

(Fades onto a police boat as one of the officers pilots the boat. Chris is sitting between Duncan and Courtney looking very angry)

Chris: I can't believe those kids ended our career before you got started Court. Can you imagine?

Courtney: No, I almost didn't want to believe it. It's impossible.

(Cuts to Beth who leans over the side looking up at the sky. She then turns around and sees Rock and Sammy, snuggled up together with the million dollar case as they take a nap. She smiles and looks back up at the sky. Cuts to Amy and Jo riding on a rubber raft)

Amy: Wait for us! I can't believe they left us behind.

Jo: Haven't you forgotten Duncan's on that boat? I'd rather drift away than catch up to him.

Amy: Right, but I'm taking the chance.

(They continue to ride on the raft as the scene fades to black)

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