Episode 8: Water Balloon Caper

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Chris: (VoiceOver, recapping last episode) Last time on Total Drama Finale, the contestants took part in our very last Total Drama Rock 'n' Roll show. While most performed alright, Rock however managed to fumble at almost every instrument he played and lost his temper. Guess he's not cut to play any music after all. (laughs) It was discovered that everyone knew about Beth falling in love with Rock. And Duncan finally managed to bring Rock to his lowest point when he smacked him in the face. (chuckles) Ouch. Beth was so mad she competed against Duncan in a guitar showdown, and won. Rock was originally safe for elimination, but he decided to eliminate himself out of a broken and destroyed heart. Can you say this was the best elimination ever? (Cuts to him at the beach) I'm so glad he's gone. I hate him just as much as I hate Ezekiel. (laughs evilly) Only 7 players left and we're halfway done with the season. I wish this season would go on a little longer. Who's up next to be slinged off this island? And how will almost everyone cope after the rockstar's demise? Find out for yourself on Total Drama Finale.

(Opening credits)

(Cuts to outside the Villains' cabin as Duncan opens the door and inhales the morning air. He has a black eye from yesterday, and it stays throughout the whole episode)

Duncan: (inhales) Does anyone smell that? That's the smell of freedom. It only took half the season to get rid of the dead man walking, but it was all worth it. Now I can play this game fairly as everyone wants me to.


Duncan: I would do that now that Rock's gone, but I don't think that's enough. (Gasps) I know! It felt so great, I'll keep doing it to the others. (Excited) That's it! Ruining others' lives and hurting them both emotionally and physically is what I'm now meant to do. I gotta thank Chris for being such a great host and mentor in the art of torture and heartbreak.

(End confessional)

(Cuts to inside the cabin. Chet was tossing and turning in his bed. He then wakes up suddenly and looks around him. He hugs his knees; still feeling upset about Rock's elimination. He then hears knocking on the cabin door)

Chet: C-Come in.

Beth: (entering the room) Hey Chet. Did you get any sleep last night?

Chet: (upset) No. I was too upset to sleep after what happened last night. It was literally the worst night of my life. That's saying something considering the night before was the best night of my life.

Beth: Yeah. I know how you feel. I couldn't sleep either. If only I could have stopped him, we would have gone somewhere nice and quiet; away from Duncan and any other bad people out to hurt us. We would then wrap our arms around each other and hold each other until I see that smile on his face again. Then we would both cuddle up to each other as we both fall asleep under the stars.

Chet: (amazed) Wow Beth! That would be the most generous thing to do. You should do that once the last season is over; find him and take him somewhere quiet. You really love him, don't you?

Beth: I do. I just wished he loved me too.

Chet: (sighs) I know he wouldn't like me telling you this, but but he truly does love you.

Beth: (stunned) He-He does?

Chet: (nods) He admitted it to me yesterday morning. I didn't say anything because it was something he needed to say to you, but given what had just happened last night; you deserve to know.

Beth: He does love me! (she then looks out toward the horizon, then turns sternly to Chet) Look, we need to keep playing. We can't let his elimination does not go in vain. We are both going to keep on fighting until it's down to the two of us. Right now; we're doing this for him!

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