Episode 3: Cheaters and Traitors

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A/N: Hey everyone, supersader9 here. Sorry that this book took much longer than expected. It's because school is my top priority now, my second/third being Drawlloween and Inktober 2020, so updates will take MUCH longer than expected. Thank you for your patience though. Now on with the show.

Chris: (VoiceOver, recapping last episode) Last time on Total Drama Finale, it was one of the most puke-tacular episodes ever. So puke-tacular that anyone watching could lose their breakfast, lunch or dinner. The teams had to retrieve their respected coloured flags without throwing up chunks. Duncan failed before we can get started, Ellody, who we somehow forgot was there, and Topher got shoe barfed and Rock got the worst of it by his ex-friend Spud, right in front of everyone. (Laughs) Samey had a nice friendship with Harold and B, and Dawn manages to help a newly mutated Sam out. Topher swiped my phone again in hope of stealing my job again. Ha, good luck with that. In the end, the Villains couldn't stand Jo because, well, it's obvious, or maybe it's me, (chuckles) which is why she's the next to go. (Cuts to him at the beach) 13 players are still in it to win it. What kind of emotional torture will they endure next? Find out right here, right now on Total Drama Finale.

(Opening credits)

(Cuts to the Villains cabin and a restless Rock as he tosses and turns in his bed. The camera pans up to his face as it transitions into a nightmare. In his nightmare, Rock is in some place covered in blood. He walks around trying to figure out where he is. He stops when he saw something really frightening, one that made him sick to his stomach. He saw Spud, with his eyes closed and blood dripping all over him. He can see orange strings attached to him, making blood come out.)

Rock: (horrified) S...Spud....? What happened to you? Why?

Spud: (upset) Why.... (He opens his eyes and cries out more blood) Why aren't you helping me?!

Rock: Wh-What? Spud, I-I don't understand...

(He looks and sees a menacing shadow that looks like him controlling Spud like a puppet. The shadow gazes down at Rock)

Shadow: Well well well. Why aren't you saving your best friend? Are you that much of a coward?

Rock: S-Spud, please, I'm sorry. D-Don't worry, I'll help you.

Spud: (scared) R-Rock.....help......

Shadow: You can't save him peasant! You're a weakling. Just give up on him and your dream as a rockstar! (He grabs the strings and forcefully lifts up Spud) You're worse than a bucket of barf.

Spud: (as he's taken away) HELP ME!!

Rock: No, come back!

(He starts to run towards them when he bumps into another figure. He looks up and sees Chris (giant sized) holding a bucket.)

Chris: Did someone say a bucket of barf? (He laughs)

Rock: (terrified) Wait, NO! PLEASE!!

(Chris dumps the bucket as a wave of barf splashes over the camera. Cuts to Rock waking up, screaming and gasping in horror.)

Topher: (waking up, annoyed) Ugh, Rock, would you keep it down?

Chet: (waking up, annoyed) If you can't be quiet when having a nightmare, then get out and go sleep outside you crybaby.

Rock: (upset) I'm sorry. (He gets out of bed) I'll leave now.

Topher: Yeah, you better. (He goes back to sleep angrily)

(Rock walks out of the cabin with a towel towards the showers. Cuts to Duncan and Spud spying on him from the side of the cabin.)

Duncan: (snickers) Looks like everyone on our team doesn't want him around, (turns towards Spud) all because of his obsession of becoming your friend again. Now that I think about it, he's not as focused as he was on the Ridonculous Race a few years ago.

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