Aftermath 1: The Fall of a Rockstar

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(Fades into the Aftermath Studio where Geoff and Bridgette are alone on the couch looking very sad)

Geoff: Hi everyone. I'm Geoff, your aftermath co-host.

Bridgette: And I'm Bridgette, your other co-host.

Geoff: And we just want to let you all know that we feel sorry for Rock after what he just went through in the last episode.

Bridgette: Not only did Duncan break his once friendly heart, he most likely broke the hearts of every Total Drama fan in the world; including those that don't like Rock.

Geoff: I know why some people hate him, but even they don't want him to go through this.

Bridgette: And because of what happened we are not going to invite him on the show. We want to give him some space so he can have some time alone.

Geoff: And if the dude's watching this at home, we just want him to know that our thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family since they're most likely feeling his pain too.

Bridgette: But we do have 7 other eliminated contestants here for today's show.

Geoff: Plus, we did have clips for "That's Gonna Leave a Mark", but they're mostly about Rock, and so they will be on hold. Instead we got a different segment in store for another eliminated contestant.

Bridgette: Indeed. (sighs) Look, we don't want to focus the whole show on Rock, but it's just so hard not to think about him after everything he's been through.

Geoff: Which is why we'll be asking almost everyone here how they feel about this while we do our normal show for you guys at home with humour, humiliation, bonus clips, and never before seen secrets.

Bridgette: Now here's the thing. This is not episode 8 of Total Drama Finale. This is a stand alone episode that's taking place at the same time as episode 8.

Geoff: And the only things we can tell you ahead of time are that the teams have finally merged, and that since there are 7 players left, seven of your favourites from Total Drama and the Ridonculous Race are going to be on the island because Chris needed them for the challenge taking place now, but everyone else is here to give us their thoughts. Now I know some of you are thinking that the merge is happening a bit late since there are 7 players left.

Bridgette: But then again, we do have 13 episodes, and we are down to 6 left. In other words, I'd say it's time for the last merge of the series to happen.

Geoff: I agree. So like we said; we're sorry for Rock. We give him our thoughts and prayers, we wish him the best, and we will see how everyone else feels about him in a few minutes.

Bridgette: So yeah. Instead of the traditional aftermath opening, we're just going right to commercial break for a few minutes while everyone else gets here. When we come back, we'll have some fun and give you guys a good laugh to make everyone at home feel a little better.

(Geoff watches as Bridgette looks through her laptop on the table as the scene fades to black)

(Commercial break)

(The aftermath theme plays as the letters T, D, and F fly onto the screen followed by the word "Aftermath". The letter D pops out as it cuts to the Aftermath studio with Geoff and Bridgette on the center couch and almost all the contestants from all 3 generations and the Ridonculous Race sitting on the bleachers. The ones from generations 1 and 3 are sitting on the left side of the screen, and the ones from generation 2 and the Ridonculous Race are sitting on the right side. The audience applauds)

Geoff: Welcome back everyone. Just to remind you all that this is a stand alone episode while episode 8 is going on right now.

Bridgette: Plus we forgot to mention that this is the first of two aftermaths. That's right. This is the ninth episode. One more away from the tenth and very last aftermath. (the audience applauds) This aftermath right now is taking place after the merge, and and we'll have the last aftermath after the final two have been announced.

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