Episode 11: Showtime!

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Chris: (voiceover, recapping last episode) Previously on Total Drama, the final five were sent on a treasure hunt on Boney Island. Beth didn't find any treasure, but she did find Rock and stayed with him throughout the whole challenge even though he has become evil. Turns out that he came here after he quit and gain some powers that involves vine manipulation. Duncan tries to leave Samey tied to a tree forever but B and Topher saved her. (coughs) Darn it! And if that's not enough for the recap; Ezekiel, the real treasure, showed up and turned really icy; making it his new snow king form. And Rock revealed his evil intensions and joined Ezekiel. Beth surprisingly saved everyone after taking a beating from Snow King Ezekiel and Plant King Rock with the power of love. (grossed out) Ew. (normal) Rock was reunited with his family and Beth was sent away due to her injuries. (Cuts to him on the beach) Only 4 players left and the million dollars is drawing near. Who will rise to stardom? And whose TV career will end? I hope a new show will say I'm not. Say, I could come up with ideas for a brand new series once Total Drama is over. (chuckles) Just thinking about it makes me giddy. Anyway, find out whose will on Total Drama Finale.

(Opening credits)

(Cuts to Duncan grumbling in bed)

Duncan: I  don't believe this. How could I get myself so scared that I had to wet myself? If that's not bad enough, it looked like I'm losing my edge again. I need to get my act together if I want to take out the others. It's time to stop fooling around and time to start (pounds his fist into his left hand) showing my A-game.


Duncan: If I want to win, I need to get rid of the biggest threat on the island; B. Sure I wish Samey or Topher should go next, but B is too good and easy to lose against. I think I can beat Topher in the finale in any case. (He thinks) Wait, if we get helpers would he choose any two people from the now small alliance? (annoyed) Great, looks like I'll have to take Samey to the finale. (sighs) Guess we'll see if she can talk smack like she did yesterday.

(End confessional)

(Cuts to B and Topher; who have just woken up)

B: "Just think Topher; we need to get rid of Duncan, and the million dollars will be ours".

Topher: Yeah. (he sighs nervously)

B: (concerned) "What's the matter? Did you not sleep well last night"?

Topher: Oh no I did. It's just that I feel like we're jinxing ourselves.

B: "What do you mean by that"?

Topher: Well from the start of the merge, we got a big alliance going to eliminate Duncan after what he did to Rock. Remember that?

B: (nods) "I do. I guess you could say we aren't doing well. You did say that last night".

Topher: I did. As soon as we started our alliance, Chet was gone, then Dawn and Beth. I can't help but feel like Dawn might be right. Chris might be choosing his final two.

B: "But how will you find evidence? And are you sure you're desperate to find out? What if Chris-"

Topher: I don't care what Chris would do about it. I'm going to find the truth, whether- (he hears Chris' phone ding) Oh, hold on a second. (he opens up his phone and finds two things shocking, which we can't see) No way!

B: "What? Did the producers want you to host the show"?

Topher: Not quite, but they seemed to read my mind. Honestly, since the show is going to end soon, they can't replace me as the new host. There is good news though. They're going to create a new show after Total Drama called "Hosting Ontario", and they want me to be the host.

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