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A few nights later, Tommy and Iduna are walking through Small Heath together. Arm in arm. The two are just talking and laughing, near Tommy's when a man appears holding a gun. Iduna and Tommy raise their hands in the air. Tommy quickly knees the man in the stomach and Iduna quickly kicks him a few more times to ensure he stays down. But a hand grabs her hair and she yells out in pain. A big muscular arm wraps around her throat holding her in a chokehold.

"Tommy" Iduna yells as a man punches him in the face.

She begins to scream as they kick him onto the floor. The man holding Iduna throws her to the ground and presses his foot on her neck.

"Tommy Shelby," A man says. "I missed you in my club" Iduna claws at the man's leg. "I was at the races."

"Sabini," Tommy says.

"Don't say my name," Sabini says. "Jesus. Franco. Take my name out of his mouth"

Iduna watches in horror as the man takes a knife to Tommy's mouth and takes one of his gold teeth.

"Let him go" Iduna yells.

Sabini walks over to her and pulls her to her feet.

"You're a pretty thing aren't you" He says, stroking his hand across her face. Iduna flinches and yells out in pain as Sabini's hand hits her across the face repeatedly. Sabini then straddles her body. Iduna begins hitting him. "Hold her"

"No" Tommy gurgles. "No"

Sabini hikes Iduna's dress up as she screams, Sabini wraps one hand around her neck tightly. Sabini's hand hits her temple just as she hears police whistles.

It all goes black.


Iduna's eyes flutter open and she sees she's in a private room with Tommy.

"Ready for a visitor Mr Shelby, Miss Darling?" The nurse asks as Iduna slowly sits up.

"No" Tommy replies but the sound of a metal cane fills the room.

"I'm here on the King's orders" The familiar voice rings out. "I'm afraid I must insist" Iduna gently eases herself back onto her pillows. "You paid extra for daylight. The racketeering business must be booming. Are you not going to thank me for saving your lives?"

"Pass my cigarettes?" Tommy asks and Iduna slowly leans over to her bedside table and lights herself one.

"Three nights ago" Campbell begins. "At the cooperative stables in Montague Street, there was a murder. A man named Duggan. The Oxfordshire Constabulary found his body in a shallow grave"

"I need to piss," Tommy says. "Nurse?"

Campbell presses his cane to Tommy's chest.

"I know it was you," Campbell says. "Who carried out the murder of Mr Duggan."

"Oh," Iduna says hoarsely. "By the way, Grace she went to New York. A place called, uh Poughkeepsie. She's married now."

"To a banker," Campbell says. "He's rich. I am sure she's very happy"

"How did it feel?" Iduna asks. "To propose to her, be rejected and then find out it wasn't Tommy she was in love with but me?"

"You've been under my microscope for some weeks now," Campbell says. "I have been observing every move you make. That is why I was on hand to save your life. Both of your lives."

"I imagine being shot by a woman hurts the same as being shot by a man," Tommy says. "Just a bit more shameful. You know, Mr Campbell, when I got shot they gave me a medal. No medal for you I bet"

"Mr Shelby," Campbell says, standing up. "Our reunion is part of a very carefully worked out plan, which has been in place for some time now"

"Every time you lean on that stick," Tommy says. "I bet you see her face-"

"As a result of the information in my possession," Campbell continues. "I can charge you with murder at any time and provide two impeccable crown witnesses whose testimony will lead you straight to the gallows, along with Miss Darling as your accomplice. You are on my hook, Mr Shelby and from this moment forward you belong to me. So, get well quickly. I will be in touch the moment I hear you can piss standing up and then I will send you your instructions." Campbell leaves.

"We've got to get out of here," Tommy says, getting up out of bed and Iduna does the same. Tommy strokes her face. "Still beautiful"


The couple gets to Charlie's yard and make a loud clatter opening the gates. They are both supporting each other from falling.

"Curly" Tommy says as Iduna stumbles into Charlie who holds her up. "Get the oil you put on the horses when they go lame"

"Are you fucking mad?" Charlie asks.

"The yellow stuff," Tommy says. "Go on"

"They said you'd both be in for another three weeks," Charlie says, holding onto Iduna as he sets out chairs for both of them.

"We need to get on a boat to London," Tommy says. "Tonight"

"You discharged yourselves?" Charlie asks.

"I'm a fucking sitting duck in there Charlie," Tommy says. "Sabini could send a man at any time. I need to get some things done"

"You're burning up," Charlie says, touching Tommy's forehead, then Iduna's.

Curly brings the bottle into Tommy's eyesight.

"Oh Tommy," Charlie says. "That stuff's for rubbing into fucking horses"

"He is a horse" Iduna jokes, groaning as she smiles.

"If he was a horse, they'd shoot him with this many broken bones" Charlie replies.

"Get the black powder Curly," Tommy says. Curly runs off.

"You pay for a bloody hospital and you're using witchcraft?" Charlie asks.

"I need to sleep in the open air and feel the boat under me, Charlie," Tommy says. "And I'm not leaving Iduna here either."

"Tommy, you're just like your mother," Charlie says, resting his cool hands on Iduna's face causing a sigh of relief to escape her lips.

"Do you have a boat here?" Tommy asks.

"Only the January," Charlie says. "She's heavy. London will take four days."

"That'll do," Tommy says. "Can you spare Curly? He'll be our doctor"

"Then God help you," Charlie says.

"You have tobacco Curly?" Tommy asks.

"And tea and whisky," The excitable man says. "We'll have you running around like a colt"

"Get him aboard," Charlie says. "I'll help Iduna then fill her up."

Charlie helps Iduna up to her feet before they slowly begin moving towards the boat.

"Thank you" Iduna whispers and Charlie nods.

"It's alright love" He replies. "You just look after yourself now"

"Tell Polly to look after Seb," Iduna says. "If anything happens, tell her that she has custody over him. That's what's written in my will anyway"

Charlie nods.

"If we sleep all the way Curly," Tommy says. "It's Camden Town we're heading for"

"What business do you have in Camden Town, Tommy?" Charlie asks, helping Iduna onto the boat. Iduna falls asleep before she can hear Tommy's reply.

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