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The woman is distracted from the mind-numbing job of wiping the bar down when a knock sounds from the small window of the Snug. The woman opens the small hatch, revealing Tommy.

"Give me a bottle of whiskey and three glasses, please," Tommy says.

"Scotch or Irish?" Iduna asks. "I've decided not to go to the races, not unless you give me another two pounds, ten shilling toward my dress"

"I've already given you three," Tommy says and Iduna cocks a brow.

"How much did you pay for the suit you'll be wearing?" Iduna asks.

"I don't pay for suits," Tommy says. "My suits are on the house or the house burns down"

"So you want me to go looking like a flower girl then?" Iduna asks.

"What I want makes no difference," Tommy says. "It's not me you're dressing up for"

With that Tommy closes the small doors. Iduna stands next to Grace and the two blonde women watch as two men walk into the snug. Iduna begins wiping tables as Grace listens in to the conversation between Tommy and her countrymen. Iduna pauses when she hears an IRA song. Iduna and Grace laugh as the drunk man's friend push him out of the bar.

"I thought you only allowed singing on Saturday," Grace says as Iduna places the whiskey bottle back on the shelf.

"Whiskey is good proofing water" Tommy replies. "Tells you who's real and who isn't"

Iduna lifts herself up, sitting herself on the bar before she places a cigarette between her lips. The woman digs through her apron pockets looking for her matches, cursing when she realises she had lost them.

"Got a light?" Tommy gets a match out and lights it before cupping his hand around the end of Iduna's cigarette.

Iduna sighs as she inhales the smoke. Iduna spots Grace watching her and blows the smoke into her face with a small wink. Tommy watches as Grace blushes red, his eyebrow lifts in curiosity.

"What did my countrymen want?" Grace asks, clearing her throat.

"Oh, they're nobodies," Tommy says. "They drink in the Black Swan in Sparkbrook. They're only rebels because they like the songs"

"Aren't we all rebels when it comes to music?" Iduna asks.

"I suppose so," Tommy says.

"You have sympathies with them?" Grace asks.

"I have no sympathies of any description," Tommy replies.

"Their accents are so thick, it's a wonder you could understand them," Grace says and Iduna nods.

"Next time I could translate," Grace says and Iduna nods.

"You'd work for me?" Tommy asks the two women.

"Isn't everybody in Small Heath?" Iduna asks with a cheeky smile.

"So you are coming to the races?" Tommy asks. Iduna just looks at him and he sighs.

"Two pounds, ten shillings," Tommy says. "Buy something red. To match his handkerchief."

"Whose handkerchief?" Iduna calls out but gets no response.

The woman's eyes move to the patron who was eyeing the money on the counter. She is quick to snatch the money from the bar, shoving it into her pockets.


"You shouldn't have come," Grace mutters as the two women head to the Black Swan.

"You must be crazy thinking I'd let you come here on your own," Iduna says, looking at her friend.

The two women follow the man from the pub, maintaining a distance as they watch him intently.

"Away and shite!" The man yells as a dog begins barking at him.

The man turns a corner and the women continue walking forward. A gasp escapes Iduna when she's slammed into the wall, a hand wrapped around her throat.

"Fancy me do ya?" He asks. "What are you? Copper?"

The woman glares at the man before spitting in his eyes. The man grimaces, using his spare hand to wipe his eye.

"I've seen you, both of you. I've seen your faces serving at the Garrison." The man holds a gun under Iduna's chin. "I am taking you in for interrogation on behalf of the Irish Free State"

A gunshot rings out in the small alleyway before the man slumps against Iduna. The woman is quick to push the man off her, blood staining her hands and dress. Iduna turns, retching as she empties her stomach onto the floor.


Iduna's hands were trembling as she wipes the bar surface. Her face was pale and dark circles had taken residence under her eyes. Footsteps cause her to look up and her eyes lock on a distressed Ada who was out of breath.

"You shouldn't be running,"

"Iduna " Ada gasps. "I have to find Freddie"

"Drink this first" Iduna hands Ada a glass of water.

"No I have to find them," Ada says. "I think they're going to kill each other"

"Who's going to kill who?" Iduna asks Ada.

"Freddie and Tommy" Ada gasps. "Tommy found out we got married and Freddie's still in town."

"Ada you need to calm down" Iduna says. "You could hurt the baby"


Iduna's eyes lock on a stressed Tommy Shelby who storms into the Sung. She is quick to follow to find the man rubbing his hand over his face.

"Ada was here" Iduna says. "She was worried about you and Freddie. It made her sick, she's alright but in her condition she needs peace. You causing this much stress could cause a miscarriage. Women talk"

"That is something they do," Tommy says.

"She talked about you, how you keep everything locked up"

"Well that's what men do" Tommy replies.

"Ada's nice," Iduna says. "I've liked her since I met her but it's not easy for her Tommy. Her brother and husband fighting over the same thing. Men should talk, too"

"To you?" Tommy asks.

"Me or Grace" Iduna shrugs. "Why not? I'm a barmaid. It's my job to listen to drunk men's sorrows. They always tell their troubles to a barmaid. What is it you and Freddie are fighting over? Because if it's Ada's well-being, it'd be so much easier if you work together"

"I'll meet you here at nine o'clock tomorrow morning," Tommy says. "Did you buy a dress?"

"Yes I bought a dress" Iduna replied.

"How does it look?" Tommy asks.

"You'll have to see tomorrow"

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