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Iduna Darling walks through the streets of Small Heath, clutching this morning's newspaper close to her. There was an advert for two bartenders at the Garrison and Iduna was determined to get one of the positions. Iduna had been laid off at her job at the hospital because the director was a strong believer in marriage so when he found out that Iduna had a child out of wedlock, she got the sack.

The young woman was known through Small Heath for her beauty and kindness. Something radiated from within that rendered her irresistible to both genders.

A breeze brushed past, teasing the thin strands of her hair. If a beam of light could weave itself into a strand, that was her hair. She had the deepest green eyes with a touch of hazel in them. Her smile would melt your heart and when she flashed her pearly white teeth, she would light up an entire room. Her voice was every bit as beautiful as her appearance.

Iduna carefully opens the door and spots a man mopping the floor. At the sound of the door closing the man looks up, taking in the woman's radiating beauty.

"We're closed Miss," The man says, looking up at her. "But the Marquis is still open."

"Oh, I'm not here for a drink," Iduna says, shaking her head which causes her hair to bounce with the motion. "I'm here for a job"

"No," The man says. "The positions have been filled"

"It's in this morning's paper," Iduna says, throwing the paper onto the bar for effect.

"You're too pretty Miss," The man says, looking at Iduna who shakes her head.

"I need this job," Iduna says, desperation clear in her voice. "I just got the sack and I have a little boy relying on me at home. Please"

"They'll have you up against the wall," Harry says.

"I can defend myself," Iduna says, crossing her arms. "Just because I am a woman it doesn't make me incapable"

Harry flushes red.

"Of course not Miss," Harry says.

"And I can multitask," Iduna says, grabbing a cloth and singing a song her mother taught her.

Harry watches as she moves with ease and grace. There was no denying she, along with that Irish woman, would draw men in for miles. Iduna lifts chairs onto tables and wipes glasses whilst singing.

"Oh, all right," Harry says. "You're hired, Miss-"

"Iduna, Iduna Darling" Iduna holds her hand out and Harry shakes it.

"Harry Fenton," Harry says with a nod.

The next day, Iduna, Harry and the other new barmaid Grace stood behind the bar, serving drinks for everyone in the pub.

"Is it always this busy in a daytime?" Grace asks.

"No" Harry replies. "These boys are on their way to St. Andrews"

"To pray?" Grace asks with naivety in her voice.

"That'll be the day" Iduna laughs, carrying a tray of pints over to a table gracefully. "It's a football ground"

"The Blues are playing," Harry says.

"That's the forward line there" Iduna points at the men she just served.

"That's the goalie," Harry says, pointing at a man who could barely stand. "Believe it or not"

"Hello," A voice says and Iduna turns to see a man from the Snug.

Iduna walks over to the man and recognises him as Tommy Shelby from the pictures she had seen in the Shelby household when she had tea with his Aunt Polly. His piercing blue eyes stare into her emerald green orbs.

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