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The next morning, Tommy gets Iduna up and tells her that he, Arthur John and herself were going to London.

"John!" Tommy yells up to his brother.

"Hurry up!" Iduna yells.

"I'm coming" John yells.

"I don't know if he's talking to us or Esme," Iduna says and the two men laugh. Tommy places a cigarette between Iduna's lips and lights it.

"7 o'clock, 12 o'clock and 10 o'clock if I'm still sober," Arthur says. "I got it from the doctor. Keeps me nice and calm" Tommy smells the medicine.

"Same thing they gave us in the trenches to stop us fucking wanking" Tommy says.

"Polly says it's good for me temper," Arthur says. "It slows me down"

"Arthur there are some things," Tommy says, pouring the medicine down the drain. Iduna rolls her eyes but keeps her mouth shut. "Polly doesn't understand. I need you fast. Not slow, eh?"

"She wouldn't let go of my fucking leg," John says.

"Bet that's not all she wouldn't let go of," Arthur says and Iduna laughs.

"You know she's against this, Tom," John says.

"John you need to pull your zipper up," Iduna says with a laugh.

"She's got opinions," John says, buttoning up his trousers and zipping the zipper.

"Nothing wrong with opinions John" Tommy says. "If there was Iduna would have a problem" Iduna slaps the back of Tommy's head and he just kisses her in response.

"Get in the fucking car," Iduna says.

"Shut up" John replies, climbing into the back with Arthur.

Arthur stands up.

"Right!" He roars. "The Peaky Blinders are going on fucking holiday"

"Sit down you mad bastard," John says, pulling his brother down as they all laugh.

Iduna, John and Arthur fill the streets with the sounds of their laughing and cheering as they drive through Small Heath.


Tommy pulls to a halt in the countryside.

"Look at this," Arthur says. "Look. I love it"

"We're not even in London yet, you silly bastard," Iduna says with a laugh.

"Your Esme was right about one thing," Arthur says to John. "You can't beat the countryside."

"I guess that's why you're pissing in it?" Iduna asks. "Like a dog marking its territory?"

"Oi piss off you," Arthur says and Iduna just laughs. "I think I want to live in the country one day and keep chickens"

"We'll see you in London Arthur," John says as Tommy lifts the cover off the boot of the car.

"Fucking hell Tommy," Iduna says, taking the shovel she was handed.

"We need to bury him," Tommy says.

"Who the fuck is that?" John asks.

"It's Irish business," Tommy says. "I thought it best if I dealt with it on my own. Come on we did a thousand of these in France"

"And then some" Iduna says.

"John, grab his head," Tommy says.

"So we're not really going to London?" John asks.

"Once we bury him," Tommy says. "Then the holiday begins."

"This holiday best be fucking good," Iduna says as she begins shovelling mud out of the ground.


Night had fallen as the group of four approached the Eden Club. Iduna was wearing a green flapper dress, matched with a headpiece and boa. The dress had been specially tailored for her on Tommy's orders. It was extremely short and the fabric clung to her curves. The deep green silk stood out against her tanned skin.

"How do I look?" Iduna asks the boys.

"If I was Tommy" John begins. "You wouldn't be leaving my bed"

Iduna laughs as Arthur nods in agreement.

They approach the door and the bouncer allowed Iduna through.

"She's got a good set of tits"

Iduna pushes the Shelby brothers out of her way before thanking the bouncer. Tommy sighs loudly before handing the bouncer a wad of notes.

"Much obliged," Arthur says as Tommy knocks shoulders with the bouncer.

"Now, now Tommy" Iduna says. "No need to be petty"

Once inside, they entered a whole new universe. They had all seen some things in their lifetime but nothing equalled the scenes in front of them. Cocaine being openly snorted, a young drugged-up couple having sex and two men kissing each other against the wall.

"It's a fucking freak show," Arthur says.

Iduna skips off onto the dance floor and is surrounded by the other dancers.

Iduna could feel the music pumping through her veins. Tommy's eyes were locked onto her figure as her body moved to the beat.

"She's doing that to rile you up Tommy look" Arthur points at Iduna who was flirting with both men and women alike.

Tommy watches as Iduna allows a woman to kiss down her neck. Iduna makes eye contact with Tommy before pulling the woman in for a kiss.

"Tommy, how the fuck are you not exploding?" John asks.

Tommy watches with jealousy as a man kisses Iduna's neck as she makes out with the woman.

Iduna joins the woman at her table, sitting on her lap.

"You're so sexy," The woman says.

Iduna makes eye contact with Tommy whose crystal blue eyes are almost black. Iduna allows the woman to feel her body, never breaking eye contact with Tommy. Then Iduna walks over to Tommy and drops herself in his lap.

"She was fun" Iduna comments and Tommy rolls his eyes.

"Peaky Scum!" A voice yells, throwing a glass at them.

"Right!" Tommy yells as Iduna jumps out of his lap as he shoots up.

She stands on the table cheering on Arthur as he beats people. Iduna yelps when someone grabs her leg and they go rolling to the floor. Iduna grabs a discarded champagne bottle and smashes it over the man's head.

A loud gunshot was fired by a waiter as he shot the ceiling. Iduna gets to her feet and walks up to him, pressing her forehead to the barrel.

"Are you gonna do it?" Iduna asks. "Didn't think so"

With that Iduna skips over to Tommy and takes his hand into hers.

"We came here to make friends not enemies," Tommy says. "Those of you who are last will soon come first and those who are downtrodden will rise up"

With that the four walk out of the club.

"You're so cute when you're jealous" Iduna laughs, booping Tommy's nose.

"Here's fifty quid," Tommy says, handing it to Arthur and John. "Paint the town, I've got business to do"

Iduna giggles.

"I'm business," She says.

"If she's not asleep till noon tomorrow and still can walk you've done it wrong Tom" John yells as the couple walk away.

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