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Iduna is helping Grace carry crates of cigarettes when Grace takes the lid off. Iduna wrinkles her nose as a horrible smell wafts out.

"These cigarettes have a strange smell, Arthur" Grace says, her and Iduna standing in the doorway.

"They smell like rotting water and rats have got at some of them" Iduna says.

Grace hands Arthur a pack of cigarettes.

"They're stolen are they not?" The Irish woman asks.

"Don't ask" Arthur says.

"They smell because you keep them on a boat" Grace says as Iduna wanders over to Arthur.

"What do you care?" Arthur asks. "Iduna, can you come check my adding up please?"

Iduna begins reading through Arthur's adding up with a frown.

"Stop looking at my arse Arthur," Iduna says and the man raises his hand in surrender.

"You should make a new start with this place" Grace says. "Do it properly, these cigarettes are not fit to sell"

"Why don't you just import tobacco and have men roll them?" Iduna asks.

"Smells like Gallipoli" Arthur says waving them under Iduna's nose, causing her face to once again contort with disgust.

"You should find a new place to store them" Grace says and Iduna frowns, wondering why so many questions were being asked by Grace.

"It has to be far away from coppers" Arthur says.

"But not rats?" Grace asks.

"All the wharves have rats, Grace," Arthur says.

"What's wrong with a dry warehouse?" Iduna asks.

"Tommy's orders" Arthur replies.

"What orders?" Grace asks.

"Always keep contraband near to petrol boat moorings." Arthur replies.

"Don't boats get searched?" Grace asks.

"We moor them at junctions so there's more than one way out" Arthur says, tapping his head. "No locks within a mile so we can move stuff fast"

"Your brother doesn't obey the law but he has rules" Grace says with a smile and Iduna laughs.

"I like the irony" Iduna says.

"Precise man" Grace says, walking away.

"Is my adding up right?" Arthur asks.

"It is now" Iduna says with a smile.

Iduna is closing up the pub when Tommy approaches.

"Arthur tells me you and Grace have been asking a lot of questions" He says. "About how we run our business. How we get our booze and where we keep it."

"I suppose we have" Iduna says. "But Arthur was more than happy to share. Grace was asking most of the questions, I just informed him that the cigarettes smelt awful"

"Let's you and me go for a walk," Tommy says.

"Where to?" Iduna asks.

"Come on," Tommy says and Iduna rolls her eyes before following the man.


The pair end up in the church.

"Why here?" Iduna asks.

"Do you believe?" Tommy asks.

"Not really" Iduna says.

"Well anyway" Tommy says. "People come here to confess. After you"

Iduna takes a seat on a chair, Tommy sitting next to her.

"Here it is, Iduna" Tommy says. "I'll confess. I need someone. Kimber has an advisor by the name of Roberts. He talks well, keeps the accountants. Runs the legal side of the business."

"You need a Roberts?" Iduna asks.

"Arthur tells me you and Grace have ideas" Tommy replies.

"I'm not an accountant or a lawyer," Iduna says.

"No," Tommy says. "But you have something I need. Class and kindness. I need someone who looks right at the big meetings but can touch their hearts. Epsom, Ascot"

"Is this a job interview?" Iduna asks.

"Arthur says you're good with numbers"

"That's relative considering he's quite poor" Iduna says.

"You keep the books in order," Tommy says.

"Grace helped" Iduna says. "Besides they were chaotic"

"Grace is a liar" Tommy says and Iduna turns to him with a frown. "She lied about the pub she used to work in, then about her religion"

"Maybe her past is awful," Iduna says. "Everyone has aspects of their life they wish to keep shut away from everyone Tommy"

"You pull a pint like someone who's thinking about it"

"This isn't an interview, it's an interrogation about Grace" Iduna says, standing up.

"Sit down" Tommy says. "Tell me what you think of Grace, truthfully"

"She's a good friend" Iduna says and Tommy gives her a look. "But I do think it's too good of a coincidence that Inspector Campbell and Grace arrived at the same time. She sometimes listens in to your conversations in the Snug but other than that she's pretty normal"

"Look, you washed up in a place you don't belong for whatever reason" Tommy says.

"Story of my life," Iduna says. "I didn't belong in London with the toffs and now I don't belong here"

"Perhaps it was my good fortune" Tommy says.

"Or mine," Iduna says.

"You know that most of what I do is illegal?" Tommy asks.

"I'm not blind or stupid" Iduna replies.

"And you'd still work for me?" Tommy asks.

"If it brings in more money for Seb, I don't care what I do" Iduna says. "So are you offering me the job? If so I accept"

"There's something else you should know," Tommy says. "A very important detail about my reasons for employing you."

Tommy gently rests his hand on her face, brushing away stray hairs before kissing Iduna. Tommy pulls away and strokes her face with his thumb.

"You disappoint me" Iduna says and Tommy drops his hand, his face falling.

"Do you resign?" Tommy asks and Iduna's eyes gleam with mischief.

"On the contrary I'd say my appetite for work had increased tenfold" Iduna says cheekily, a smile dancing on her lips. Tommy smiles, standing up.

"Tomorrow I'll show you around" He says before leaving the church.

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