The Battle

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A/N: Italics is Mal and her crew singing, bold italics is Uma and the Pirate crew singing.

We were on the ship, by the docks and Harry and I were in charge of watching Ben for a short space of time "Coochie coochie coo..." Harry laughed slightly psychotically while stroking Ben's face with his hook. "How's it feel being a king now eh?" He asked and  went around to the other side of the pole we had tied the king to.

"Give it a rest Harry." Uma said coldly as she shoved the pirate in red away from the king. "We don't want damaged goods."

Harry was then somehow hanging from the rope ladder thing "Ye said that I could hook him!" 

I grabbed his hand and pulled him back down to standing by my side. "Harry, she said you could hook him at noon, and I'm sorry to say that it is not noon yet." I sighed.

He pulled his pocket watch out and held it by the chain "Twenty more minutes..." He said.

"That says 11:30." Ben corrected him. Oh boy. Yes it did say 11:30, but Harry did not like being corrected. 

We made our way either side of Uma as she said "You'd better hope your girlfriend comes through." She was of course referring to 'the dragon princess'.

"She's not my girlfriend anymore." Ben said sadly and Harry chuckled like a maniac at this.

"Leave us alone, Harry, Lizzie." Uma asked and like the loyal First Mate and best friend/crew member we were, we complied. Almost immediately.

"Nineteen minutes to go now." Harry said, once more getting all up in Ben's face.

"Go." Uma said, exasperated, so I dragged Harry away from the King of Auradon by his elbow, shooting Uma a sorry look.

The two of us walked down the stairs and I decided that I would have a little fun with him before everything went down. "So, Harry, are you sure you aren't in love with Ben...that moment looked a little...steamy..."

He looked at me, mad that I would suggest he was in love with anyone besides me. "Are ye kidding, I don't love that...little king..." A smirk ghosted his lips "If I was, would I do this?" He pushed me up against the side of the ship, kissing me heatedly. My hands found their way to his head, knocking the hat off and tugging at his dark, messy locks, all while he was trying to pull me closer.

We only stopped when we heard Uma's call for us. "I guess that's our cue." I sighed. 

Uma, and I were standing at the front of the ship, Harry was getting Ben and Gil was up high on lookout for Mal and her pathetic excuse for a gang, when we saw them standing just on the other side of the gangway.

Harry had untied Ben and brought him to the front of the ship. He shoved the boy in blue over to the plank. "Welcome!" He screamed.

"Finally!" Uma said, laughing evilly as the other four (plus an Auradon girl) came closer to our ship and where we were standing.

Huh, let's get this party started
I swear I'm cold-hearted
There's no negotiation
I'm not here for debatin'
You need some motivation?
Just look at Ben's face
Then ask yourself how long you think I'll remain patient
I'll throw him overboard and let him swim with killer sharks
You either hand over the wand or he'll be ripped apart

Harry was standing and holding Ben at the end of the plank and holding 

Now, let's all just be smart
Although for you that must be hard
You'll get your wand
No one has to come to any harm
Don't try to intimidate
Your bark is much worse than your bite
Who's the baddest of them all?
I guess we're finding out tonight

Let's go, bring it on
Better give us what we want
It's the wand for the crown
If you don't, it's going down

Let's go, make your move
Peace or war, it's up to you
Give him up and do it now
If you don't, it's going down

We want the wand
Or else the king is gone
Your time is running out
You should really watch your mouth

Let's go, pound for pound
We're prepared to stand our ground
Put your swords up, put 'em up
It's going down

Oh, oh, oh, make the trade
Oh, oh, oh, or walk the plank
Oh, oh, oh, make the trade
Oh, oh, oh, or walk the plank

Okay, look, this is not a conversation
It's a do-or-die situation
If you don't give me back the king
I'll have no hesitation
I'll serve you right here
And I don't need a reservation
That way your whole pirate crew can have a demonstration
Release him now, and we can go our separate ways
Unless you wanna deal with me and the VKs

By this point, Harry had migrated from his place on the plank and made his way over to the front of the ship where Uma and I were standing side by side. 
So that's your big speech, huh?
An empty ultimatum?
All it takes is one swing and I'll humiliate him
Matter of fact, make one wrong move and I'll debilitate him
And if he even starts to slip, I'll eliminate him
All it takes is one long look and I'll...

"Harry! We get it, chill." I said, grabbing my boyfriend by the hook on his left hand and pulling him back towards me and gesturing for him to go back to Ben.

Let's go, bring it on
Better give us what we want
It's the wand for the crown
If you don't, it's going down

Let's go, make your move
Peace or war, it's up to you
Give him up and do it now
If you don't, it's going down

We want the wand
Or else the king is gone
Your time is running out
You should really watch your mouth

Let's go, pound for pound
We're prepared to stand our ground
Put your swords up, put 'em up
It's going down

Hey, we don't have to choose
We don't have to light the fuse
Mal, whatever you do, it's gonna be a lose-lose
There's gotta be a better way
Uma, I promise I'll give you your chance
You'll have your say

Silly king! You? Give me?
You're gonna give me a chance?
Well, not a chance

Oh, oh, oh, make the trade
Oh, oh, oh, or walk the plank
Oh, oh, oh, make the trade

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