However Many Years Later

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Two years later, I gathered old friends to a place in Auradon. No one, not even Harry knew why I had done it.

"Harry, why did Liz bring us here?" Asked Evie.

"No clue." Said Harry "Ye would have thought she would have told her husband of all people, but no." He said, frustrated and confused.

I walked out to the front of the crowd and everyone turned to look at me. "OK, so I bet you are all wondering why I brought you here." There was some murmuring in the crowd "The truth is... I'm pregnant! Harry we're having a baby!"

"Liza, why didn't you tell me before?" Harry said from his place beside Uma, Gil, Jay and Carlos.

"I wanted it to be surprise." I said, mocking his tone from when he proposed to me "Oh and if you would say yes, Uma, would you please be the godmother?" 

"Lizzie are you sure?" She stuttered hesitantly.

"Uma, there is no one else I would rather have looking after our child if something were to...happen to Harry and I."

Nine moths later, our baby was born. A little boy, Henry Hook. He was the spitting image of his father. He had Harry's eyes. Beautiful blue.

Five years after that, Henry had grown up bright and strong, just like his dad, but he was more innocent than Harry used to be, even when he was small. He admired and looked up to his father so much.

So one day, I needed to go and do our shopping. Once the barrier had come down, fresh food markets had been added to the isle. "Harry, can you manage Henry for a little bit while I go out and get the groceries?"

"Sure love, how long do ye think ye will be?"

"Not too long. See you both soon. Love you Henry." Harry faked a hurt expression "Love you too Harry."

Now, I got this part of the story from Harry, so it may be a little exaggerated on his part.

Pretty much the second I got through the door, Harry turned to Henry. "Look son, I got ye something." He held out a badly wrapped box to Henry. "Open it. I was going to give it to ye for yer birthday,'s good too."

Henry tore open the paper and his eyes lit up "A hook! It's just like yours!"

"Be careful with it Henry, ye could really do some damage with that." Harry smiled.

"But what can I do with it?" Our son asked.

"As of now, ye can just carry it around and...copy what I do." Henry's face fell "But...I suppose I could teach ye how to sword fight."

That was then I returned home.

But the boys were so engrossed in their sword fight that they did not realise I was standing in the doorway. 

"Aah, I'm dyin' tell me girl I love her!" Harry said as Henry struck a blow to his chest and fell down to the ground.

"I leave for half an hour and you're already killing each other!" I laughed. Harry stood up and pulled both Henry and I in a hug.

"Mummy, daddy got me a hook, like his!" Henry smiled.

"Did he now?" I asked as Harry looked down sheepishly at his feet.

"Henry, that was our secret remember?" Harry whispered exasperated.

"I can't keep secrets from mummy." Henry replied. He was so adorable and innocent it made me smile so much.

"Well, I don't mind you having a hook." Their eyes lit up "As long as you're careful."

Both of my boys smiled and I realised how similar they really are. God I love them so much more than anyone will ever be able to tell.


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