Fairy Cottage and Audrey

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Even though it was getting dark when we reached fairy cottage, we still had to sneak around in case Audrey heard us.

Ben took Mal's hand and led her to the gate of the cottage, followed closely by the rest of us.

On opening the door, we saw that the cottage looked completely empty. Jay ran up the stairs and we all continued to look around "She's not upstairs." Called Jay."

We heard a banging noise coming from a small cupboard. When Ben opened the door we saw a shell shocked, blonde Auradon boy shivering in the corner. "Chad?" Ben said.

"I want my mommy." Chad said and jerked away when Ben tried to help him up. He looked around and saw all of us standing in the cottage. "Ben! Ben!" He finally realised who was helping him up. "She's gone, the door's open, I'm free. Freedom!" The boy screamed and ran past us and out of the cottage.

Harry pointed at him and started to laugh in his odd way "Harry." I started "You know I love your laugh but we do not have the time for this."

As we left the cottage Uma turned to all of us and said "Alright, lets get this Audrey chick taken care of already."

"What do you say girls, time to wrap things up?" I added.

"You know, someday you're going to have to tell me how you guys all got teamed up." Stated Ben. That would be a long story.

"Actually, Mal promised to let all the kids off the isle once this is over." Evie said sincerely. She didn't seem happy. Okay, something was definitely going on.

"Mal?" Said Ben, causing me to shoot an uneasy glance at Uma.

Mal looked around at everyone who was surrounding her "Actually I have to tell you something." She paused "Umm, I lied to you. The kids won't be coming off the isle."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"The barrier is going to be closed for good." Mal admitted. My mouth opened a fraction in shock as I looked over at the purple haired girl.

"It's for Auradon's safety." Added Ben.

"Hold up." Said Uma "So we're saving your precious people and your behinds for a lie? I knew it was a mistake to trust you, you're always looking out for yourself."

"You." Said Harry as we both walked over to Ben and Mal "King Ben eh?" His features softened slightly in sadness "You're probably just going to throw us all back on the isle."

"You know what? I actually thought you were brave, you're nothing but a chicken. Too scared to tell me I was never going to see my dad again." Celia managed to choke out.

"Celia..." Mal said. And with that, Celia took the ember and threw it in a bird bath, putting it out. "Celia! Celia No! Regain your might and ignite!" She screamed. "No...no...no...regain your might and ignite!"

Mal turned to Uma, who was holding out her shell necklace, that was no longer glowing "Bummer. Let's go find Gil and we'll be out of here."

So Uma, Harry and I walked away from Mal. She screamed Uma's name but we didn't turn back to her. She was nothing but a liar.

We were looking around Auradon for Gil when we came face to face with Mal, she had chased us down "Uma! Uma! Stop, please stop! I need your help! We have a chance if we do this together."

"Your friends kick you to the curb." Uma asked. "Good."

"I wonder how it feels Mal." I said "Oh, wait yeah I know don't I Mal." I added ruthlessly nd Harry ran his hook down my neck trying to calm me down.

"Ben saw something in you and today, Uma, I saw it too, you care, Uma you care about everybody and Auradon is worth saving. Help us...please." Mal screamed desperately.

"You talk pretty, Mal, but Uma's already made up her mind." Harry said.

"You brought this on yourself Mal. You figure out how to fix it." Uma decided and turned to Harry and I "Let's go."

I put my hand on the shoulder of my teal haired best friend as Harry, Uma and I walked away from a desperate Mal once more.

A few minutes later we looked up. A dragon. First of all we though it was going to kill us, so Harry grabbed my arm to pull me behind him, but on a closer inspection...it was Mal, and she was fighting Audrey to save Celia.

"She doesn't stand a chance without the ember." Uma breathed.

"Help me! Help me Mal!" I heard Celia's screams from where Audrey had her held captive on the top of one of the towers.

"We...we have to help her!" I stuttered. But there was nothing I could do.

The three of us ran closer to the dragon and the tower and heard Audrey's words "Hold still you little brat!"

Uma's necklace started glowing once more, just like it did at Evie's. Their magic was stronger together. "We're stronger together, stronger together, I'm right here Mal. Regain your might and ignite, I'm right here girl, right here, regain your might and ignite!"

It worked. Mal's fire lit up the ember and as Audrey shot a ray of pink from the sceptre, a ray of blue light from the ember hit her in the chest, knocking her down.

"Yes" I screamed, once again jumping at Harry and bringing Uma into the hug "She did it! Uma! You and Mal did it!"

Mal turned back into a person and brought Celia down to us "It's okay, I've got you." Then she looked at Audrey "Audrey...Oh no..."



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