The Deserted Tea Party

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The first place we visited once in Auradon was an abandoned tea party. I mean, tea parties were sort of in my blood, were they not?

Well, not really abandoned. More like all of the guests had something in their cups and had fallen asleep.

"They're asleep...everyone..." Stated Evie.

"Well thank you captain obvious." I snarled at my old best friends. "Seriously, we can tell,  Evie. It's not like the education is terrible on the isle."

"Oh wait." Added Uma "It is. Everything is. But you know that. Maybe you don't understand but you do know."

We saw Auradon Prep towering above everything. A large stone castle with blue and yellow flags everywhere. It certainly was a change of scene from the isle, but I couldn't decide whether I liked it or not.

"Everything is" Marvelled Gil "You have leaves on your trees. And what are those coloured things on the bushes?"

"Flowers..." Said Jay hesitantly.

"Flowers are pretty." Said Gil. Wow he really wasn't the brightest was he.

Then Gil started to eat all of the fresh fruits, And by the way Jay looked at him, he had clearly forgotten that we never had fresh fruit on the isle.

Harry and I walked with his arm around my waist, over to another table, where like all the others, there were people asleep. "Well, I believe I deserve some...compensation muscles and my wile and my...role in this endeavour." Harry said, taking some money from the wallet of a sleeping Auradon teen.

"I will squash you like a bug." Replied Jay, coming from behind us and taking the money out of Harry's hand and putting it back in the boy's pocket. 

"Think we're scared of you Jay?" I asked, Harry holding his hook up to the long haired teen's neck.

"Guys..." Mal and Uma exclaimed from behind us, making us turn around.

And then there was a talking dog. Maybe Auradon would be...similar to Wonderland, then I'd fit right in.

It was Carlos' dog, Dude, the one they used to trick us with back on the isle when we had captured Ben and he was eating in the same manner Gil did.

"Do you know what happened here?" Carlos asked the dog.

"Yep, Audrey showed up, put everybody to sleep and then she turned some of them to stone..." The dog explained before Evie interrupted him.

"Guys." She said "Hannah turned to stone."

"Look, since we're here let's check the school." Uma suggested. It seemed like a reasonable plan to me, but it clearly wasn't good enough for those...princesses.

"No." Mal said "Audrey went for the crown, so I think she will go for Ben and his castle next, so that's where we'll go." Bossy bitch.

"Says who?" I countered.

"Says me." Mal replied, taking a few steps towards Uma and I.

"Says you and that's supposed to mean something to me?" Uma backed me up, directly facing Mal before Evie yet again interrupted us.

Honestly that prissy purple dragon princess always gets her way. Seriously, can nobody else get there way around here?

I shared a quick glance with Harry and Uma since Gil was too busy eating to realise that there was actually something going on.

I shrugged and tightened the strap on my black leather gloves before following Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos along the path to the castle. Uma, Harry and Celia followed directly after me, Harry having to pretty much grab Gil so he would follow along too.



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