Chapter 2

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The door finally opened and out came two of my best friends; Natalie and Laura Green.

"Hey guys!" I high five Nat and do my special greeting with Laura, which is a high five...except she uses her forehead instead. 

It's like a cooperative facepalm basically.

"Who is that?" Laura grins seeing Peter standing awkwardly next to me. I smile at him quickly before turning to my friends to introduce him, but Laura beat me to it. She stood in front of him and pulled out her hand.

"Hi, I'm Laura." She grins. "You're hot." 

Nat and I glance at each other and sigh as Peter's eyes widen before we each put a hand on her shoulders and pull her away from him.

"Okay back off, girl." Nat says making her pout. 

I chuckle at Peter's reaction. "Like I said, no filter." He smiles back at me.

"So what's your name?" Nat asks.

"Peter. Nice to meet you."

"Oh my god! Did Sky propose to you?"

I laugh and blush, turning my gaze away from his deep brown eyes.

"MOVING ON- Is Anna coming to school today?" I ask as we continue to walk to school, which is about 10 minutes away now.

"Yeah she is." Nat nodded. "She's dreading seeing her class tho."

"Ugh same." Laura groaned.

I laugh and try to include Peter in our conversation, as well as telling him more about our school.

"There's this one class that everyone in the school hates." I inform him. "Usually we call them by their grade so I guess we're calling them tenth graders now." I laugh. "The 04 generation is so obnoxious it's crazy! They think they're popular and cool, but really they're just dumb."

"Wait, I'm confused." He furrows his eyebrows. "I don't get this system...won't there be students their age in our classes?"

"Oh no, our system is different." Nat says. "Our school is like a mix of american systems and middle eastern ones; each grade will stay together, but instead of staying in the same class all day like in the middle eastern schools, we go to our classes, but the people are the same. And we have some elective classes and clubs as well."

"Oh so we pretty much will have the same people in our classes?" He asks.

"Yup." I say and stop as we get to our school. I point at the building next to our high school and say "That's the middle school along with the kindergarten."

"Oh so that's where my sister will be." He says. "She's starting kindergarten this year."

"Our sister too!" Laura exclaims. 

"Will you need to pick her up after school?" I ask him and he nods, so I assure him that we'll go with him.

We walk into the school and Nat and Laura say bye to go find Anna in the library. I offered to take Peter to the office to get more information about his placement such as which class he'll be in and his locker number and combination.

"Hey Professor Blackwell." I smile walking into his office. Normally all new students just go to the homeroom of every grade to get their things, but I had to say good morning to my neighbor and principal , so here we are.

"Hey there, Sky!" He smiles back. "And...?"

"Oh," Peter gets the point. "I'm Peter Thompson. I'm new here."

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