"Pick A Dick, Quae"

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"Fuck you, Hobi. I'm not a virgin." Taehyung isn't wavering as he stands and heads for the door behind Hoseok.

Jimin shows them out and locks the door. "I'm grabbing another beer. You want?" He asks walking to the kitchen.

"Bring two," I laugh. "And the tequila."

I head out to the balcony of our shared apartment and sit down. Jimin and I have been roommates since junior year of university. Neither of us wanted to live on campus any more and the only logical choice for a roomie is always your best friend. Our arrangement works out well since we spend the majority of our free time together anyway.. or at least we did until Ji got a girlfriend.

I won't lie, I bring home my share of women but I don't have sex with all of them. Some of them just enjoy eating pussy and I am a professional pillow princess. Ji has been faithful to the same girl for nearly a year and I applaud him for that. I have yet to find my 'one' but I am hopeful.

Ji and I used to bar hop three to four days of the week before we graduated and for a while afterwards. It was fun to both bring a girl home at the same time and see who would make the most noise. Sunnie put an end to that.

'Sun-Hi' or as Ji called her 'Sunnie' isn't on my list of favorite people. Ji always seems so uptight when he's with her which makes me believe he's changing for her and that's garbage. You should never change for someone else. If there is a need to change your ways, you change for yourself. I learned this at the tender age of sixteen when I came out. My parents didn't reject me though they didn't have much for me afterwards either. The only one who accepts me as I am is Ji and I'm fine with that.

Ji joins me on the balcony and hands me both beers and a shot of tequila. "M'lady," he laughs popping the top off of his own. He wobbles a bit and I can tell the alcohol is starting to get to him the same way it's getting to me.

I smile weakly before I ask the question that's been on my mind all evening. "Why didn't you spend the evening with Sunnie?"

"Did you not want me here? I thought you missed spending time with me, Quae. I'm hurt," He clutches his chest and laughs.

"Stop acting like that. I'm serious. You're always with her and tonight you weren't and haven't mentioned her all day. You haven't even looked at your phone and you're usually glued to it. What's up, Ji? Talk to me."

Ji looks out into the city and takes his shot of tequila before answering. "I think we're going to take a break, that's all."

"Holy shit, dude! You broke up?" I look at him with my jaw to the floor.

"Not broke up in so many words. She-" he pauses, "we just want different things right now. We will still talk but for the time being we needed a break. Things were too intense."

"Like was she talking marriage and kids and shit? Or like moving in together serious because I can't live with her, Ji, like fuck that!" Since Taehyung's steel gaze has left the building I feel it's safe to stand and pull my sweats off. It's hot outside and the alcohol isn't helping. I always wear basketball shorts under my sweats for this specific reason. I turn to look at Ji before I sit back down and the look he's giving me is odd.

I sit down and Ji's eyes wander up my torso to meet my face. "Uh, no. Not like that kind of serious. Let's just drop it okay? You're fucking up my buzz."

"Hell no I won't just drop it! It's bothering you so it's bothering me. What did she want that was so heavy?"

Ji looks around before taking a drink of his beer. He pauses and clenches his jaw looking down to the label on his bottle. "Sex."

"Like, with somebody else?" I'm confused and I'm nearly finished with my bottle.

"With me." He clears his throat and continues to pick at the label.

"But you've been smashing that for year. She wanting some freaky shit?" I've squinted my eyes trying to figure out the look on his face.

"We've never had sex, Quae." His eyes flutter before he observes my reaction. "I've never had sex."

"Hahaha Ji! Good one! I've heard the way those girls you brought home would moan and scream. You aren't a virgin!"

"I enjoy going down, and I'm damn good at it, but my tongue and fingers are the only parts of my body that have ever been inside a chik," Ji admits.

"No way you were getting those reactions from the broads you brought home without a little dick action. I doubt you're that good," I chuckle drunkenly before I hiccup and take another swig.

"Like I said, I'm damn good and I enjoy what I do," he smirks at me and wiggles his tongue around in his mouth.

"Doubtful, dude. No man can please a woman orally the way another woman can. Proven fact."

"Prove me wrong, Quae. Try me out," he says nibbling his bottom lip.

Avowal // pjm [COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora