Forever in the Mafia: I

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Chapter 1: total jerk

Guess who's back!!! I've updated my story changing the characters around as well as the storyline! Comment on how you like the new changes.

This story contains mature themes and upsetting content. The switch of POV happens very rarely. I hope you enjoy❤️

The club was swarmed with sweaty bodies dancing to the horrific sound of dubstep. As I leaned against the bar looking at my two friends Aroona and Bella dancing chaotically I unsuccessfully attempted to avoid getting elbowed and pushed with the bodies.

I wasn't one for going out however my best friends Aroona and Bella always seemed to convince me.

"Come on Astrid" Aroona begged pulling on my arm. "I'm fine just watching you" I declined smiling. "Don't be such a grouch! Have a drink" Bella cheered calling the bartender for drinks. I smiled and rolled my eyes "Don't drink too much we still have school tomorrow". I warned knowing her ignorance.

"What do you want to drink?" Bella asked ignoring my warning. "I'll have a coke someone needs to get you back safely" I told.

"That's what Stiles is for. where is that guy?" Aroona asked looking around the crowded club. "I sent him home. I don't need a bodyguard, I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself"  I protested. "Right, Miss daughter of most feared mafia" Aroona whispered. "I thought Diavolos was the most feared" Bella frowned.

I smiled shaking my head at the words of my best friends. Yes that's right! My family are in fact the mafia, the inferno mafia. Inferno means hell in Italian as we are the Italian American mafia.

We aren't the only mafia in New York there's also the Greek mafia known as the Diavolos. They are richer and have a much larger following, although I know little about the Diavolos family.

Diavolos= hell

Bella and Aroona know all about the mafia m. Bella's family was once in the mafia business but had to leave after her uncle attempted to kill a mafia boss. My father claimed asylum for Bella and her immediate family, as we have been best friends since kindergarten, but she isn't allowed to interfere directly with mafia business. Aroona works for my family as a sniper, we immediately became friends after she broke a guys arm for touching me up.

We danced together among the sea of sweaty bodies. When 'Party in the USA' by Miley Cyrus started playing I announced I was going to the bar for my third refill . I pushed through the mass of people, annoyed by the many creeps 'accidentally' groping me.

I ordered and waited patiently looking down the bar. There was a beautiful man sitting alone sipping  at amber liquid, looking extremely out of place with his perfectly tailored suit and slicked tousled hair. He radiated power and masculinity His hazel eyes were so dark, almost black, there was a certain threat to his stare almost daring anyone to challenge him.  I felt a chill run down my spine.

I quickly redirected my attention to the bartender and grabbed my drink. As I turned to walk back to the dance floor I was knocked by some insanely drunk idiot making me spill my drink all over me.

I gasped in horror looking at my black sequined dress, it was soaking. The person who knocked me cowardly escaped before I could wrangle them.

I stood there drenched and sticky. I felt eyes on me and glared at the beautiful man with hazel eyes.  He smirked and chuckled at the scene.

I narrowed my eyes with annoyance. A burning fire of rage built inside me as I glared at the beautiful man, angry for having my drink spilt on me and annoyed at this beautiful man's reaction.

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