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Corner park at the entrance to a jogging trail in the middle-class suburbs half an hour north of Seattle. Houses directly across a busy two-lane road climbing up a steep hill. People running along the sidewalk or going in and out of the trail. Overcast and chilly.

Parking lot with six gravel spots just feet from a steep drop and the busy road behind. Two creaky swings and a miniature jungle gym made of soggy oak. Wood Chips equally damp and musty underfoot. Interrupt emphasize

"So--" Pauses upon leaving the driver's side of an old sedan.

"We need to talk." Walks straight toward the park.

"Oh. Sure, uh--what about?"

Silence, for a while. Then, "Look. Sometimes..."

"What's up? You don't seem very happy today."

Sits down on swing. "I just--you know. We haven't exactly..."

"Exactly what? Been to the park in a while?"

"No. Well, sure, but--no. I mean..."

Walks around the swing to face. "What's the matter? Did I do something?"

"No, it's not that. You really didn't do anything -wrong-."

"So, what's up?"

Puts feet down and stands halfway in the swing. "You've been really nice, honestly."

"Oh. I--um. You have, too! Everyday has been awesome!"

"Right." Abandons swing and walks a bit further to a wooden picnic table covered in pine needles. "I need to tell you something."

Sits down next at the opposite end of the same bench seat. "Ok."

"Sometimes people make mistakes and sometimes mistakes make people."

Laughs. "Oh! I like that. I totally know what you mean, too. But seriously, did something happen?"

"In--in a way, yes."

"But it wasn't me? Did something happen to you? Did someone hurt you?"

"Just--it's just not working."

"What do you mean?"


"Oh. I'm sorry. What should I do differently? I'm not very good at, well, you know, dating and stuff. It's kinda my first time."

"No--you're sweet, really."

"Should we hang out more often?"

"You're just..."

"I know! Let's go hiking again, but just the two of us!"

"You're too..."

"I'll get a nicer car by next fall so we can go more places, once I save up from work."

"I want to break up."

Silence. Even longer than before. Then, "Oh. I see. I mean--ok. Yeah, that's ok. I understand." Fights tears.

Stands up. "It's not you--really. You're nice. But, well, I just don't think it's going to work between us. It was really nice and fun. Something just...happened--I'm fine, and it wasn't you. You should find someone better, that's all. I'm no good."

"Oh." Blinks tears and stands up, walking back to parked car. "I guess. If you want that." Opens the passenger door. "Still want me to drive you home?"

"Yeah. Thank you."

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