Chapter 17: A Cruel World: Part II

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✧✦✧✦✧Asano's PoV✧✦✧✦✧✦✧

(She just stood there. Frightened as she stares at our parent's dead body, while I sit on top of it. She probably didn't expect this to happen since she was enjoying her life, while me hating my life. It wasn't her fault to be brought into this world and get all the love she wants, but she was one of the reasons why my monstrosity is born. I'll show her the cruel part of this world, what I've been through, and how I survived. This is a cruel world and I'll make her know why...)

It's morning. Mother knocked on my room and woke me up. She even opened the door and pinched me right in the face. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw her, smiling at me, "Good morning, sunshine..." She said.

My name is Toki Asano, and this is my perfect life.

It was another beautiful morning with tasty foods waiting for me at the table. I looked around to see my family's faces. My dad is reading the newspaper, whilst my mother and sister is just eating quietly.

To break the awkward silence, I suddenly asked my dad, "Dad! Do we get to train, later?"

He smiled, "Of course we will. Same training as always with your sister."

I cheered and was excited.

My father then looked at my sister and asks, "Akame, return home early after your school for your sister. Ok?"

I grinned as I looked at my sister, but she doesn't look excited. I guess our kendo training annoys her, but either way, I'll show her tonight how strong I got now. So, I tried to cheer my sister up, "That's right, sis! I'm looking forwa-"

She then immediately stood up, "I'm going now..."

I then got this anxious feeling that maybe she's evading me. But she has been evading me as if I didn't exist. I didn't annoy her nor did anything wrong to her. I just wanted to talk to her...

As soon as my sister left, my mother then tries to soothe me, "It's alright, Toki. Aren't you going to school yet?"

I just remembered that the photo club will be taking pictures of me with a morning setting. So, I fixed my bag and quickly replied to my mom, "Yes! I forgot. I have to go now! See you both, tonight!"

My father looked at me with a smile.

My mother then replied, "Have a great day!"

I immediately rushed out and left the house. However, I forgot my lunchbox, so I immediately rushed in again.

As soon as I got my lunchbox, I remembered that my sister didn't took hers. I looked around to find her lunchbox, but saw nothing. So, I asked mom, "Mom? Do you really never pack a lunchbox for sister Akame?"

She got startled, "Why are you asking me this? She never wants me to pack her a lunchbox, remember?"

I just remembered. Maybe they don't do lunchboxes on senior years. Or maybe, sister prefers buying at the canteen? Either way, I have to go. So, I said my goodbyes again, "I'm going now!"

While walking with haste, as I make my way to school, I suddenly saw my sister, exiting from a near mini mart with a single bread in her hand. I wonder if she will eat it as she gets to school, but didn't she just had a breakfast? Oh well, I still have a morning photo shoot.

I was elected as muse in my school. I didn't know why, but I guess it was because of my blonde hair. Boys also always asks me for a date, but I also always turn them down. Because I'm just not ready, yet.

The photo shoot took 15 minutes. They just pictured me 2-3 times only, but their preparations was time consuming.

I got frustrated, so I asked the club president, "What was it for again?"

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