Chapter 14: Piercing Winds

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✧✦✧✦✧3rd person PoV✧✦✧✦✧✦✧

"Welcome. We've been waiting for both of you..." The brushed hair woman says as she smirk.

Toki replied hastily, "Stop! Whatever you're gonna do, just stop!"

The brushed hair woman paused for a second to gasp, "Or what?" She then raised an eyebrow, "--Do you even know what we are, young girl?"

Toki was puzzled, "What do you mean? You are all the same hoarders of the dark."

The brushed hair woman chuckled, "We are way more different from those naive keychain hoarders. We are blood hoarders."

Eiji suddenly interrupts, "What's the difference? You are all the same psycho!"

The brushed hair woman switches her eyes to Eiji with a glare, "How rude. I am talking to her, not you." She then points her tiger claw to Shiro's neck, "--As a punishment, I'll start slitting this guy down."

The brushed hair woman began slitting the side of Shiro's neck, slowly, when suddenly, Toki shouted, "Wait! Tell us about the blood hoarders. We're not done talking." She then switches her eyes to Eiji, "--And shut up, Eiji! You better not make things worse! Calm down! Ok?" So, Eiji tried to shut himself, as he was told to.

The brushed hair woman paused, but her claws continued to points at Shiro's neck, "Sure... Besides, I will be killing you two today, so why not I tell you a little info before you move on to the next life. Right?" She smirked, after.

Toki and Eiji gulped. She then continued with her introduction, "The blood hoarders are an elite squad in the society of the hoarders of the dark. Only a few of us is chosen, only a few of us can pass. We are assassins like the hoarders you've faced, however, unlike those hoarders, we have no care for keychain collecting. Because after all, we already received powers."

Toki's eyebrows began to furrow, "And that power is?"

The brushed hair woman closed her eyes and smiled faintly. As she opens her eyes, she replied, "Demonic powers..." Her eyes began to turn into scarlet red and the iris is unlike any common human iris. It's more of a sharp, reptilian iris.

Toki and Eiji's head bolted upright in surprise. Toki then asked, "So... What were you after, then? If you don't collect these keychains?"

The brushed hair woman looked at them in the eyes with an intent, "The blood of my targets. I personally collect and deliver the blood of my assigned targets. That means I'll be bringing the blood of you two, as well."

Toki is starting to lose control over herself as her blood began to boil, with fists all clenched, "So... You have Shoto's blood with you? What are you even gonna do with it!? Suck that blood?? Use it for rituals??"

The brushed hair woman smirked, "Science and magic, little girl. What to do about it is none of my concern. I only deliver..."

Toki gnashed and replied angrily with a shout, "You bastards! So that's how it is, huh!? I'm going to end each and every single one of you!"

As Toki and Eiji prepared themselves to strike, the blood hoarders were about to kill Shiro Yamamoto, when suddenly, an invisible object pierced the window glass out of nowhere.

They immediately dropped their selves on the floor in response and covered their heads, after.

The brushed hair woman then gnashed, "So you have backup!? Either way, executioner will still kill your friend! Executioner, now! Executioner!?"

She immediately looked behind to see what was the executioner doing. However, she was also shocked after seeing the executioner, standing with his weapon dropped. As she slowly looked up to see his face, a big bloody hole appeared on the right side of his head.

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