Not Again

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(A/N) hey guys i'm sorry i didn't update earlier i was in the city.

(Time Skip to later that day)

Finally, I had finished all of the things I had to do and it was 6:15. Almost time to meet Kyle. I looked down at myself and I looked terrible. I ran to my room and jumped into the shower. I washed my hair got out got dressed, put on my perfume did my hair and then I was ready. It was 6:55. Yes that was a record 40 minutes.

I started walking down the corridor and then I made it to the library. I looked at my watch and it was 7 sharp. Yes perfectly on time but where was Kyle. I went to look at my favourite books and then someone grabbed me.

I jumped so far and my heart was beating so fast. I turned around and it was Kyle. I looked at him for a split second and then I was looking at his feet. I was on the ground and he was on the ground right in front of me looking so worried.

He yelled for the nurse but no one would come. He was talking to me telling me it was going to be okay and then he said that he had to leave for a minute. He ran off and I was left there alone on the ground of the library clutching the book Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

Kyle came running back with someone trailing close behind him. It was my nurse. She looked so concerned and then she ran off to get help. My eyes started to close and then they would open again. My head was pounding and I could hear my heart beating so loud and so fast.

The nurse came back in to the library with a doctor and a whole bunch of people to help out. I got picked up and put on a gurney and taken back to my room. I got hooked up on to a bunch of machines and then I lost consciousness. The last thing I remember is Kyle clutching my hand saying in my ear over and over,

“I’m so sorry Ella, I’m so sorry.”

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