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"Hey, kiddo, wake up." Ray whispers. I groan as I roll over. "Where are we?" I ask. "Las Vegas." he tells me. I hop out of my bunk and walk to the front of the bus. "Good morning sunshine!" Frank says as he hands me a cup of coffee. "Mornin'" I mumble. I jump when I feel arms wrap around my waist. "Hey, baby." Mikey chuckles. I whine as he takes the cup out of my hand. He sets it on the counter and picks me up. I squeal as he spins me around. He sets me down and kisses me. I thread my fingers through his hair and pull him closer to me. We pull away from each other and I grab my cup. "Ew." Kai says as he walks past us. I roll my eyes and finish my coffee before walking past Mikey and into the back room. I open my suitcase and grab my All Time Low crop top and a pair of black jean shorts. I change and put on my convers and my beanie before walking out. I grab my phone out of my bunk and sit on the couch in the living room area. "Hey come on. There's some people I want you to meet." Mikey says as he stands in front of me. "Oh also, keep this on you at all times." he hands me a lanyard with my name and the MCR logo on it. I put it around my neck and stand up. "Frank I'm taking Quinn to go meet some people before sound check!" Mikey shouts. "Ok!" Frank yells. We walk out of the bus and through the rows of buses untill we get to one with the ATL logo on the side. "You're joking." I chuckle. "Nope." he says as he knocks on the door. The door opens and Alex pops his head out. "You must be Frank's kid." he gasps as he steps aside and lets us in. "Yep. My name's Quinn." I tell him as I follow Mikey through the door. "Well I'm Alex. Nice shirt by the way." he tells me. "Thanks." I chuckle. We follow Alex to the back where everyone else is. "Guys this is Quinn. Frank's kid." Alex tells them. "Hey I'm Jack!" Jack says as he stands up."H-hey." I stutter. Mikey sends me a look and I smile up at him. Heroin my sweetest sin I can't see-. I pull my phone out and answer it. "Quinn where are you?" Kellin asks. "I'm on the ATL bus" I tell him. "I'll be there in a minute." he tells me. "Wait, why?" I question. "You'll see." he says before hanging up. "The fuck was that about?" Alex asks. "I have no clue." I chuckle. "Who was it?" Jack asks. "Kellin." I tell him. He nods and Mikey pulls me over to an empty spot on the couch. He sets me on his lap just as someone knocks on the door. Alex walks out of the room and Jack sits back down. Kellin and Alex walk into the room. I stand up and give Kellin a hug. "Come on I have something to show you." he says as he takes my hand and pulls me out of the bus. He pulls me through the rows of busses untill he finally finds the one he's looking for. "Holy shit." I pant. I look up at the bus and see Gen 2 written in large red print. Kellin knocks on the door and a few moments later a girl with short black and green hair opens the door. "Oh hey dad! Who's this?" she asks as she lets us in. "This is Quinn Iero." Kellin tells her. A smile crosses my face when I hear him say my name. "I didn't know that Frank had a kid. I'm Harley." she says. "Where are the others?" Kellin questions. "There in the back." Harley tells him. She leads us past the bunks and into a room at the back of the bus. She opens the door and I see two boys and one girl sitting on the couch playing Mario cart. "Guys this is Quinn Iero." Harley tells them. "I'm Evan. I'm CC's son. That's Edin, she's Vic's kid, and That's Eli, he's Chris's kid." a boy with short pitch black hair tells me. "Wait Frank has a kid?" Eli asks. "He just adopted me a few days ago." I explain. "Is she staying with us?" Edin asks. "As far as I know they are." Kellin says. "But you can stay with your dad whenever you want." he tells me. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to misgender you." Edin rushes. "I-it's fine. You didn't know." I stutter. "Hey why don't we get your bunk picked out." Kellin suggests. I nod and he leads me back to the bunks. "These four are the only ones that are open." he says as he points to two sets of bunks. I jump into one of the top bunks and look down at Kellin. "Well that was quick." he chuckles. I jump down and head back to the front of the bus. You can run away with me anytime you want. I pull my phone out of my pocket and answer it. "Where are you?" Mikey asks. "I'm on the Gen 2 bus." I tell him. "Ok Frank said you need to come back to the bus at 3 to get ready for the party." he says. "Alright I'll see ya later." I say. "Bye." he mumbles before hanging up. "How should I dress for this party?" I ask Kellin. "Just dress like you normally would. It's just a bonfire party." he tells me. I nod and sit on the couch. "So how long have you been an orphan?" Eli questions. "Eli! You can't ask things like that!" Evan scolds. "No it's fine. I've been an orphan my entire life." I explain. "How did you get that scar?" Evan questions. "Oh I was in an abusive home when I was younger and the person that adopted me poured acid on my arm." I tell him. "That's horrible." Edin gasped. "Yeah. I better get going. I'll see you guys at the party." I say as I stand up and walk to the door. "I'll walk you to your bus." Kellin says as he follows me out. We walk through the rows of busses untill we get to mine. "Thanks Kell, I'll see you later." I sigh as I give him a quick hug before walking onto the bus. "You're back!" Frank shouted as he tackled me in a hug. I laughed as we fell to the ground. "Hey Dad." I chuckled. He gasped and smiled at me. "They called me Dad!" he shouted as he stood up and ran upstairs. I sighed and stood up. I went to the back room and open the door. I smiled when I saw Mikey standing by his bag with his back facing me. I walk over to him and jump on his back. "What the hell!" he shouts. "Hey Mikes." I chuckle. I get off of his back and he quickly turns around and picks me up. I giggle as he spins me around and kisses me. "Hey sugar." he mumbles. "Hey." I laugh. "Will you two stop making out and get ready! We're leaving in ten minutes." I hear Gerard yell. I laugh as I walk over to my suite case. I choose my outfit and get changed. I help Mikey pick an outfit before heading to the front of the bus. "Where's Mikey?" Ray asks. "He's getting changed." I tell him. "Damn you look good." Ashley says as he walks down the stairs. "Thanks." I

chuckle. Mikey walks in and

fixes the collar on his jacket. "Let's go!" I shout as I head to the door.

Hey guys! This chapter is longer than I wanted it to be so I didn't end up including the actual party in it but I promise that the next chapter will be the party. Remember to stay hydrated and healthy!

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