I Can Now Die Happy/I love the new Jay Avatar

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After years of adversity as a Ninjago fan/Spinner, I have finally achieved what I was put on this earth to do: I have converted two people to our side. 

Recently I forced two of my little brothers to watch Ninjago. They loved it! 

And today is my little brother's Ninjago themed birthday party! 


Also, Jay's rockstar Avatar is so cute. I love it! I kinda wish Nya had a rockstar one too. It would be a super cute Jaya duo. Kai is also looking awesome, IDK how I feel about Lloyd's mohawk tho, and he has scales on his head or something.

Before you ask, yes, I am trying to fill space so I can get to my 50th part on this story. Almost there! 

I'm thinking of posting some fanart on my 50th and then a face reveal once I get to 10k reads. 

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