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CHAPTER 26:- truth behind JY's past...
Nayeon's POV
it's been 4 months and 3 weeks since jeongyeon left for her IMPORTANT work...

I am missing her soo badly.

After that day she never texted me.

I still use to listen to her lullaby that se sent me.

I have sent more then 100 texts to jeongyeon but she is not replying.

I am going to Bambam's house to know the truth

I have called everyone there.

I knocked Bambam's door and tzuyu opened it.

"why you called an URGENT meeting " tzuyu asked.

I removed my jacket and sat in front of the fire.

"I need to know jeongyeon's story" as I said those words my eyes became teary automatically.

They all looked me in awe.

"please tell me... Please" I said and now my cheeks are filled with my tears.

They all hugged me.

"unnie we should tell her" dahyun said telling jihyo.

"okay... " jihyo said.

"nayeon unnie , jeongyeon unnie was a full pack of energy. A prankster. Our best friend. She use to spend most of her time either in park or in my, tzuyu, dahyun, mark or Jackson oppa's house with us. But then Solar entered her life and ruined everything.she was just 15 when she started liking solar.." chaeyoung told while greeting her teeth and clenching her fist.

"can you tell me in detail" I asked.

"let us tell her story from the day she met Solar. She is soo kind that she gave us this" Jackson oppa said while handing me a tape recorder.

"what is this oppa? "
"listen it you'll understand"  I nodded


jeongyeon's POV

"GOALL!!! " I screamed and ran towards my team mates. And hug them.

"losers" Jackson oppa teased them.

Mark, tzuyu and dahyun pouted while me, Jackson oppa and chaeyoung was celebrating our win.

We were playing a match of football in our society's playground.

"Jeongyeon -ah come home fast. Eomma is calling you" my brother Hanyeol oppa called me.

"Oppa coming" I said and bid my goodbye to my friends and ran towards him.

He was staring my female friends. Why he is so weird.

"oppa can we go"
"you go ahead I'll be back after watching this match" he said while pointing towards my friends who are ready to play 1 more match. I nodded.

"eommmmaaaaa..... " I screamed.
"aish... Are you willing me to give a heartattack" she said.

"why you called me... I am enjoying the match with my friends. " I said while pouting she chuckled

"give this to our neighbors" she said while handling a box cookies.

"but... Lee family already shifted 3 months ago" I said.

"new neighbors..."
"but you can give this work to oppa to he can also do this... He is just useless" I uttered the last line.

"he can't just go... And give them" she said while pushing me.

"I will but before I will meet my life... " I said and ran towards my everything room.

"grandpa - grandma... " I went to them while jumping like a fool.
I am like this whenever it comes to my grandparents I love them.

"aish... Slow down you may fall" grandma said.

I lay on their bed and put my head on her lap.

She started caressing my hairs.

Then grandpa joined us.

We all 3 did a lot of chit chat until my BELOVED brother came in. Notice the sarcasm.

"yaa Eomma gave you some work do that...and grandma and grandpa why you only love HER. I am also here in this world. " he said. And left

"I'll be back...ma and pa" sometimes I use to call them ma and pa in short.

They nodded and went to our neighbor.

I knocked the door and a beautiful girl open the door.

She was beautiful wearing grey sweat shirt. With black short.

Then suddenly I knew that she snapped her fingers in front of me.

"do you want anything... Hello... Excuse me" her voice is sweet

"i-i my neighbor" I slapped my face.
"my name is solar" she said while letting out a chuckle.
"I am jeongyeon, yoo jeongyeon ,we are your neighbor" I said with a smile. Still Mesmerized with her face.
"take this, my mum made this for you" I said and smiled.
"do you want to friends with me" she said while taking cookies from my hand.
I nodded excitedly.
"thanks for the cookies. Let's meet at my house terrace at night... Mid 12??" she asked.
"but what of your parents will wake up. They will think I am pervert"
"our terrace our joint so you can just directly jump from your terrace to my and as there is no gap between our houses there is no chance of falling down" she said and smiled I nodded
"bye... " she waved her hand
"bye... At 12" I said and left.
I go in my house and tell everything happened now to my granparents.

"yaa... My grand daughter have grown up so much" pa said while ruffling my hairs.

"but don't tell this to your parents or brother" my ma warned me. I nodded.

"they didn't like this thing. To be in love with same sex. But we totally support our child" now it's pa.

I nodded and started watching drama with my grandparents...

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