Braylin sets in his office reading her latest message when Lester walks in.   “Hey, how does it feel to be back at work?”  Braylin asks. 

“Draining, we’ve got to decide on the restaurants we are going to put in our advert for Mid-town and we need to finalize which ones are going in the Casino.  Have you talked to Kara about it yet?”

“No…actually I’m scared.”  Braylin smirks. 

“Why would you be afraid to talk to her about this?  Bray you started out trying to take her restaurant from her, who would have thought she would be the one to knock you on your ass.  Your crazy about her, you have been from the beginning we could all see it now you’re afraid?  I don’t understand it.”  Lester frowns. 

“If I do this….if she accepts.  She’s going to be tied to us, this company and me for a very long time.  Restaurants owners have to sign contracts doing business with us exclusively for years.  I’ve never been in a personal relationship for more than six months Les, Kara and I have been together now for more than that.”  Braylin replies. 

Lester grins at him.  “You’ve been counting.  Usually it’s the female that does that sort of thing.  Only guys in love do that shit.  Braylin you’ve never stayed in a relationship that long because you didn’t fall in love.  Kara’s different, she’s easy to love.  There’s no shame in the way you feel about her.  Talk to her about it she’s deserving of a spot and I think she’s ready.  She loves you man, she’s not going anywhere.”  Lester gets up ready to leave.

 “Les….wait there’s something else I need to tell you it’s about Amelia.”  Lester sits back down in his seat rubbing his forehead.  “Okay….I thought I hadn’t heard that name in the last twenty-four hours.  I still can’t wrap my head around how they are so much alike and yet so different.  What has she done now?”  Lester ask. 

Braylin hands him his phone showing him her message.  Before he finishes reading he hits a few keys on his laptop opening his email then turns the laptop around to another message she sent him to show Lester.  After about twenty minutes of reading all of the different messages she’s sent Braylin he sits back in his seat with a grunt. 

“Well…what do you think?”  Braylin ask him. 

“I think you need to discuss it with Kara.  Let her decide whether or not she wants to meet with her.  Maybe she wants to make amends.  Jail can make you see things you never saw before.  Who knows what she went through while she was there.”  Lester comments. 

“Oh come on….she was only locked up for two days.  How much could she have repented in there?  This is a woman that was raped while her daughter was in the next room and she didn’t go to the police, didn’t tell her husband instead she held on to it and blackmailed the damn judge into giving her ass bail when she needed it some thirteen years later.  The bitch is psychotic and she’s pissed because her daughter isn’t dependent on her.  I won’t let her get her clutches into Kara again.  I won’t.”  Braylin says firmly trying to calm his anger down. 

“It’s not your choice Braylin whether or not she sees her mother again.  It’s not your choice whether she forgives her mother for all the things that she’s done to her.  Did it occur to you that maybe she has to forgive her to move on?  Do you know if she’s struggling with it?  Is she still having nightmares?” 

“I don’t know what she’s holding in Les.  She doesn’t cry, she doesn’t ask about her or talk about any of it.  She says she’s let it go, she told me she’s happy with her life now and doesn’t want to go back to what it was like before.”  Braylin answers.

 “I can believe that.  She’s been a great asset to us in helping out with what restaurants to put in our buildings, she’s also recommended some of the type of stores we should have.  She’s a hell of a business woman.  I’m glad she’s getting along with Alex.  Michelle took them to meet a fashion designer today she thinks we need to hire for one of our stores in the Vegas Casino. 

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