[21] It's For...Anti Possession

Start from the beginning

Derek comes up from behind me and I let out a mental sigh of relief when his hands find my waist again and hoist me down.

As soon as my feet touch the ground, I immediately cradle my left arm and tightly close my eyes. "When I was younger the pain just came out of nowhere one day. I've yet to figure out why." I explain, my eyes squint open due to the warm sunlight cascading in through the big wall of windows.

His green eyes meet my mismatched ones as he stands closely by. "How long ago was it?"

"Five years ago." I reply, trying my best not to sound so put off by it. "It only ever hurts on rare occasions, so I guess it's my lucky day then." I mumble the last part with a frown intact.

"Your body can handle almost anything, Claire. It's just your mind that needs convincing." Derek comments. And I don't know if that was suppose to make me feel any better, because it doesn't.

"I'm not like you, Derek. I'm only human remember?" My words cause his mouth to drop into a frown, but something he thinks of causes it to go back to his neutral stare.

"What was that tattoo all about?" He questions, changing the subject. I look over at him and shrug my shoulders as if it's no big deal.

Even though it is. But whenever I try to explain I always get tongued tied and make myself look like a overly obsessed fan...which I'm not...alot.

"It's not as cool as the one on your back." I defer and walk over to the metal table in front of the large windows.

Taking the bag I brought of the floor I take out a few copies of the flyers that I made. "Alright so I was thinking of other places to put these at--"

Derek ignores me and instead grabs a paper and pen and starts writing on it. "Well I guess I'll just talk to myself then. I mean at least that way I'll get some sorta expert advice." I mutter to myself, despite knowing the fact that he can hear me.

He finally seems to finish and hands me the paper that he was covering with his arm because I was trying to see...only because I was curious as to what he was doing. Can you really blame me?

The paper has a small yet closely duplicate drawing of what I have tattooed on me.

I gulp and look up at him, giving an uneasy smile. "That's nice--I didn't know you drew so good." He dismisses the compliment and waits for me to explain.


"Nobody here has seen it." He says, his tone suggesting that he already knows the answer.

"No." I respond truthfully while shaking my head. "And it's um, from something that I like watching alot. And you know, it's for...anti possession." I murmur the very last part as quietly as possible.

"As in for demons? Demons aren't real, Claire." He declares in an amused tone. The ends of his mouth going up and showing just a glimpse of his teeth.

"Ya and that's coming from you--the werewolf." I point out and place my hand on my hip. Daring him to go against my logic.

I mean if werewolves and psychopaths coming back from the dead are real, then who says that what's on Supernatural isn't?

He shakes his head and looks down. "I'd say it was a waste of time if I didn't think it looked good where you got it." Derek looks up at me with a smirk on his face.

I feel mine heat up for the second time today at the fact that that specific stare alone makes my stomach jumble up. "Well when I say I'm weird. I honestly mean it." I try to laugh but it sounds awkwardly forced.

The seconds tick by and the room continues to stay in silence. Which I'm pretty sure he's doing on purpose. I make myself busy after...apparently only two minutes, with rolling my shoulder back and forth.

"Okay. As much as I love standing here and all, how about we go and put the rest of the flyers up?" I suggest, pointing towards the door of the loft. A door that happens to look like a medieval torture weapon with how old and metal it is.

"Fine by me." He agrees and moves from his spot. Derek's hands brushes by my hip and when I see the look on his face, I know he did it on purpose.

"You're going to bug me from that aren't you?" I grumble as I follow him towards the door.

Derek opens the door and waits for me to step outside. "Yes." Is his one worded response.

I let out a small sigh and try my best to fight back a smile that's threatening to grow. Out of all the tattoos in the world I couldn't have gotten something most twenty year olds would have?

You know what? They would have saved me from this situation, but wouldn't have been as cool anyway.



You guys know how rudolph's nose looks like? Ya, well that's how mine is right now. Despite that I'm more then happy to somewhat be better enough so that I can actually sit up and write something for you guys.

Okay so I know that I said I would atleast put the cover and summary up for the next book, but I ran into a problem with being able to upload a new story. However I'll give it another shot today and see what happens.

Until then I'll just keep writing a few more of these inbetween season chapters to have during the wait. If you guys want a something specific for these chapter feel free to let me know.

And in case you're wondering, no, I don't have a anti-possession tattoo. I do however have two band ones and a deathly hallows one, which I guess in hindsight were worth the pain.

Enjoy the gif to the side (or top) by the way.


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