CHAPTER 3: Too late. (EDITED 05/22)

Começar do início

"Are you having fun tormenting Hae Tuak?" Tagon asked as he sat.

"I have to confess it's quite fun indeed," Enoria replied.

"Are you feeling fine in that room?"

"There are too much walls to my taste."

"Would you prefer to sleep outside on the grass like a savage?"

"Like an Igutu, yes," she corrected him, "you can deny your true nature as much as it pleases you but you must feel it as much as I do, the need to be outside, close to Nature. That's the Neanthal blood in us speaking. We are not made to stay between four walls."

The corner of his lips slightly raised, "I don't know what you are talking about, I don't feel such a thing."

"Maybe because you fought against what you truly are for too long," she deplored, "anyway, how may I help you ?"

Tagon didn't comment on her last sentence but she wasn't exactly wrong. He had always loathed what he was, being different was his curse and so, he had buried it deep inside himself. 

He sighed before he explained why he had come to see her : he wanted her to get information -if she didn't already have some- on Asa Ron's next potential move.

She didn't have anything to share with him at the moment, the old man was plotting in a very careful way and she had not find out anything yet.

As they talked they came to the conclusion that, obviously, Asa Ron was searching for a way to get rid of Tagon but they couldn't figure out which way he was going to use : Tagon was Tagon, loved and cherished by the people of the Union for his great contributions, Aramun Haesulla's second coming, the one who had received the ability to practice ollimsani despite not being a member of the White Mountain Tribe. In the eyes of the people, he was a sort of hero and Asa Ron had nothing to directly use against him since he had done nothing to harm the Union.

As they talked, Enoria went back and forth in front of Tagon who followed her with his eyes, just like Yangcha, standing slightly behind him, was doing.

"Can't you stop moving?" Tagon finally asked as they had both fallen silent to concentrate on their own thoughts.

-No I can't, I always walk when I need to think about something serious. If you can't bear me walking just stare at the wall.

Tagon gave an amused smile. Under his mask, Yangcha smiled discreetly as well.

And she continued walking, not bothering herself about the fact it could bother the Union Leader who just watched her do so. She stopped when a bird landed on the edge of the window. Tagon didn't really pay attention to it, but Enoria did, and she frowned hearing in her mind the information it was carrying.

"What could he do with Laughing Gym?" she murmured to herself before she started her walk again, trying to figure out, thanks to the new information she just got, what the old man could have in mind.

"Laughing Gym?" Tagon interrupted her reflexion, "isn't that a poisonous mushroom?"

"No it's not," she replied, "rather than a poison it's an hallucinogenic which also gives high fever and blue spots on the body of the person who ingests it."

"So what? What about it?"

"Asa Ron made Asa Yon search for it, but what for?" It wasn't a question she was addressing him, she was questioning herself, she wasn't the type to enjoy not knowing her enemy's plan.

"How do you know that?" he interrupted her thoughts.

"I am quite a resourceful person," she answered with a satisfied smile.

[Arthdal Chronicles] Fight for freedomOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora