Chapter 7: I'm Not Kissing You

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Chapter 7:

"I hate you so much for making me do this." I mumbled as I snuggled up against his body. I wore one of Zayn's t-shirts and a pair of his pajama pants that I had to pull up to my mid stomach for it not to drag everywhere. 

A warm beige cashmere blanket covered the two of us, but I was still a little cold. Zayn's body heat was all there was and he didn't seem to mind that I was very...very close to him. 

One of his arms, the one with the big "ZAP" tattoo, was draped over my shoulder, holding me closer to his body. Tattoos were a major turn off for me, but on Zayn they were alright. It didn't bother me a lot.

"It's a great movie though." Zayn said, nodding towards the film playing on the yacht's plasma TV. 

"We all know the ending though." I sighed. 

"It would be more realistic if that door was smaller. Clearly, Jack could've fit on there!" Zayn said. Yes, we were watching the Titanic. Zayn didn't mind really. He said it was a good movie even though I partly knew all he wanted to see was Kate Winslet (Rose) naked while Leonardo DiCaprio (Jack) draws her. 

We were silent for the most part until the ship hit the iceberg. "They're all screwed." Zayn commented. 

"There were survivors." I pointed out. 

"Someone's been doing there research." Zayn chuckled. 

I rolled my eyes and continued watching the movie. Then it came to the point where Rose said she wouldn't ever let go of Jack, but we all know what happened next. 

She let go!

"Well that was a bummer." Zayn said when the movie ended. 

"We have both watched it. We both knew the ending. Why did we watch it again?"

"It was that or Paranormal Activity 3."

"Oh the Titanic was lovely!" 

"I thought so." Zayn was in a shirt and boxers. I didn't say anything although it was awkward for me whether he knew it or not. I guess Perrie's seen him plenty of times like this but me? The most I've seen a guy naked is when they don't have a shirt on...or when they're swimming. Boys weren't my area of expertise.

Zayn still had the lifevest near him at all times. He couldn't swim although Perrie had told me that one of the lads would teach him. They never did. 

The life vest was kept close to him at all times, as if he were afraid the yacht would sink. I didn't think that would happen though. It was a highly unlikely thing to happen. 

"What do you wanna do now?" Zayn asked. 

"I dunno...It's only eleven."

"I've got ice cream in the freezer."

"Let's do it!" Ice cream. I loved ice cream. Perrie loved it too, but unlike me, she limited herself. One pint for two weeks. 

Me? A pint for three days. That was my limit. "I just bought homemade vanilla. You can't go wrong with homemaded vanilla."

"Ice cream is ice cream. It's delicious!" Zayn gave me five scoops (at my request) and he gave himself three. I immediately began to eat. The sweet flavor lingered on my tongue. Mm, you never could go wrong with vanilla ice cream.

"Thank god you bought this." I said with my mouth full. I wondered how unattractive I looked at the moment.

"I knew you'd enjoy it." Zayn said.

"Thanks for taking me out tonight. It's really sweet of you." I said. I wish I had a boyfriend that would go to these limits for me. Perrie picked a good one. He was both sweet and incredibly hot.

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