Chapter 9: I'm Not Telling Anyone

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Chapter 9:

"And here is One Direction!" The brunette host on the television said. She was young and thin, maybe a bit older than I was.

Zayn and the rest of the guys had an interview and I took the liberty of watching it from the safe walls of my flat. There wasn't anything better to do anyways. Zayn had wanted me to come with him, but I refused making the excuse of having a huge headache. So here I was, sitting in front of the television, pigging out on some ice cream.

That wasn't true though. I just didn't want to be dragged out on stage and asked questions that I didn't know the answer to. I wasn't Perrie. I didn't know what to do.

There were screaming girls in the audience and I noticed Louis wince at the sound. I would too. Who likes hearing thousands of girls screaming right at your face? No one. Well I think anyways.

"Welcome boys." The brunette woman said. She flashed a big smile towards them and batted her long eyelashed at them.

"Hey." They all replied in a monotone voice. Then the screaming came on all over again. Directioners had...quite a voice...

They asked the usual questions. Stuff about their album. Stuff about their next world tour. Then it came around to the topic of girlfriends.

"So boys, who has a girlfriend here?"

Zayn raised his hand immediately and I was just glad he didn't dislocate his shoulder. Louis also put a hand up and then finally, Liam did.

"Whoa whoa whoa." Niall said looking towards Liam. "I thought we had something going on!"

The crowd went nuts, shouting "Niam! Niam! Niam!" I think that was their bromance name or something like that. I could never keep up with the One Direction fandom.

"So there's a new girl in your life?" She asked.

Liam blushed. "No, not a new girl. I'm back with Danielle Peazer."

"Well we all knew it was going to happen some time." Harry said and rolled his eyes. "I knew something was different when he was smiling like an idiot everywhere we went."

"I was not!" Liam argued.

"So Louis and Zayn, are you still dating Eleanor and Perrie?"

"Yup." Louis said.

"Yes, Perrie and I are still dating. It's been a fantastic few months." Zayn blushed.

"Aw." Harry patted Zayn's cheek. "Someone's in love."

Love? I've never had anyone love me before, well besides my family. I shut off the television and continued eating my ice cream. Mmm, never can go wrong with it. I was probably going to get fat soon...Oh well.

My phone made an obnoxious 'ding' sound indicating that someone was interrupting my time with my ice cream. Stupid text messages.

From Zayn:

The boys and I r going to go eat. Want us 2 pick u up? El and Dani r goin 2.

To Zayn:

Sure. How long til u get here?

From Zayn:

u have 30 mins, better hurry!

I bet he just wanted to see how bad I would look only given thirty minutes, but I could so this. I spent thirty minutes getting ready for school every day. It was only because I woke up too late so I had to get ready in ninja speed. That's what I had to do now.

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