Chapter 11: I'm Not Penelope

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Chapter 11:

Since Zayn's confession, things were easier between us. The tension lessened and he thought everything seemed fine.

But for me it wasn't. There was a constant war in my head. I wanted to tell him that I wasn't Perrie, that I was her twin. I wanted to tell him that I did fall for him, but I was just helping my sister. I wanted to tell him so badly that at times, I've almost slipped and told him.

Now I was despereately trying to reach Perrie. I was thankfully alone for once because since Zayn and I have really dated, he hasn't left my side. He went out with the guys and I told him I'd rather stay back.

I couldn't reach her over the phone since my texts weren't sending. Apparently, she was in an area where I could not reach her through the phone.

So here I was, sitting in front of my laptop. Eagerly hoping that a little green check mark would appear next to her name. I groaned and stuffed my face into my pillow. I was desperate.

After what seemed like ten minutes, I looked at the screen. Three minutes had passed. I knew that Perrie was enjoying her vacation. I knew becuse she hadn't been contacting me about returning. I wasn't sure how much more pressure I could take before I cracked.

Danielle hadn't even told yet, I was thankful too. It showed me that she was trustworthy and she would keep my secret. But at the same time, I knew she didn't approve. Maybe it was the way she bit her lip when she met my eyes. Or the way she averted her gaze from me when I looked.

Then, there an annoying ring that surrounded my room. My head immediately shot up and I looked at the screen.


With trembling fingers, I pressed accept. Then all I could do was wait for the sucky connection to bring us face to face.

Hurry hurry hurry.

"Sup Pen." Perrie grinned when connection was finally made.

My mouth nearly dropped as I looked at her new appearance. First of all, her hair was dyed purple. Not like a dark purple like punk people, but like a lilac flower purple. The dark circles that had once been under her eyes magically disappeared and her skin seemed less pale.

"H-Hey Perrie." I stuttered.

"What's up?" She asked as she picked at her perfectly filed nail.

"The's purple." I said.

"Duh, stating the obvious." Perrie rolled her eyes. "So how's it going in Zaynville?"

"Good. Great. When are you coming back?" I said in a pleading tone. I needed her back so I could go back to my old life. The one where it was just my parents and me. I didn't care if I had to do all my chores alone, I just wanted to be home. I knew Zayn wouldn't be a part of that life, but it was better leaving him heartbroken than staying with a lie.

"Whoa whoa whoa." Perrie said and raised her hand signaling me to shut up. "Why great? Pen, what's going on between you and a certain Bradford boy?"

"I-we-it's just...Well he asked me in a real way. Because you two are fake dating and he just...Well you get the picture." I blushed.

"Did you say yes?" Perrie questioned. She raised an eyebrow at me then cocked her head. She was awaiting my answer.

I didn't know how to. If I said yes, she could be mad. If I said no, I'd be lying. But before I could make a decision, my bedroom door opened and I fell off my bed that I had been spread on top of with my laptop.

"Hey babe." Zayn said.

I didn't answer back with a 'hello' or anything. I answered with, "How'd the hell did you get in?"

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