Chapter XXI- Reenlist

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The next two years were extremely lax. But, Del couldn't shake the feeling that something was going to happen. And he wasn't mistaken.

After a night of light drinking, Del woke up and got off the couch. Kaikaina was outside wearing yellow armor and had a duffel bag slung over her shoulder.

"Mornin', Cayden." Kaikaina greeted. "I made some eggs."

Del looked to the stove to see a pair of eggs on a plate. Del ate the eggs and then asked the obvious question.

"Why do you have that armor on?" Del asked.

"Oh, I was called to join a team of soldiers at a place called Blood Gulch." Kaikaina said. "It's where my brother is."

"Oh. Ok." Del replied. "Got an open space?"

"I mean, yeah. I could use some pointers from an actual soldier."

"Awesome." Del said with a smile, but then realized something.

"Uh, my armor's kinda busted." Del mumbled. "Got a spare set?"

"Actually, my dad was a soldier. His armor is in the closet." Kaikaina responded. "I feel like it'll fit you."

De went to the closet and found a set of Generation 1 Operator Armor. The armor was platinum white with royal blue accents.

"This armor is a relic." Del laughed as he adjusted slipped on his helmet.

"How does it feel?" Kaikaina asked.

"Like I was born to wear it." Del answered as he sling his own packed bag over his shoulder and the pair walked to the waiting transport.
A/N: Sorry if this one was a bit shorter, but there's really nothing to write if I want to give Blood Gulch it's own chapter. Til the next one, everybody!

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