Chapter II- Final Verdict

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"An AI?" Del breathed. He knew the potential that an Artificial Intelligence had, and he would have been honored to be bestowed one of his own.

But, he then remembered all the classroom like lectures that both The Director and The Counselor had. One point of focus that they always drilled into the Freelancer AI's was that they were fragments. Copies of something else.

"This decision is in no way, shape or form mandatory, Agent Delaware." The Director assures him.

"But," The Counselor joined in, "it would not only increase your chances of moving up the leaderboard from your current number four slot, but would also give you an added advantage on missions."

Del stood there, looking at the floor, deep in thought. He could refuse the AI and continue his life.

But what if he accepted?

It certainly would give him an added advantage when the time came. He would have a companion to talk to when no one else was around, so that would strengthen their relationship.

And what about when he faced the people that attacked his settlement? He would need all the help he could get.

Coming to a final decision, Del looked at his superiors, a smile behind his helmet.

"Sirs, I accept."

Mother of Invention Recovery Bay

When Del woke up from surgery, he saw his whole team sitting waiting for him.

North Dakota. The sharpshooter.

York: The tech specialist.

Maine: The unrelenting brute.

Wyoming: The bad joker.

Connecticut: The woman who could trick anyone.

'She wanted to be called C.T. from now on.' Del recalled to himself

South Dakota: North's twin sister and a bit of a handful.

Washington: The most trusting Freelancer that Del knew.

And sitting right next to Delaware was Agent Carolina. The best of the best.

"He's coming around." Wyoming said in his usual British voice.

"Hey, man." York said, patting Del's back.

"How're you feeling?" Washington asked.

"The same, really." Del admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. He then felt a cold piece of metal in the center of his neck, which he could only assume was the AI Module.

Just then, a one inch, fire-orange glowing figure wearing Hoplite Spartan Armor appeared on Del's shoulder.


The team at first jumped at the sudden motion, but then stared at the figure.

A/N: In this universe, Del was the first of the Freelancers to get an AI, then York got Delta, North got Theta, and Maine got Sigma, and so on. Back to the story.

Del himself was taken aback by the AI's sudden appearance, but quickly fell used to it.

"Uh, hello." De replied. "What am I gonna call you?"

"My designation is 'Echo'." The AI responded. Del noticed that he had a

'Echo, huh?' Del thought to himself. 'Alright.'

"And how do you fit into the AI Theory?" South asked.

"My role in your Artificial Intelligence Theory is tactics and battle planning. I will be able to help you strategize for missions from here on out."

"Makes sense." York said.

"Sounds good to me." Washington agreed.

"Welcome to the team, chap." Wyoming replied.

As the rest of the team said their welcomes to Echo, The Director walked into the room.

The team snapped to attention as Del made the effort to sit up in his hospital bed, with additional assistance from Maine and C.T.

"Welcome back, Agent Delaware." The Director said.

"Good to be back, sir." Del answered with a salute.

The Director then noticed the AI on Del's shoulder.

"Welcome to the team, Echo." The Director said with a nod.

"I am pleased you selected me for this team, Director." Echo said, returning the nod.

"Now to business." The Director reported. "Agents North and South Dakota, I have a mission for you. Agent Delaware, you focus on recovering. We will have you back in action before you know it."

"Yes, sir." Del said before laying back down.

"I have to get back to training." Carolina said, patting Del on the shoulder.

In response, Del places his hand over Carolina's.

"See you soon." Carolina said with a smile.

"Yes, boss." Del responded with a smile of his own.

"Can one of you stay with him?" Carolina asked.

"I'll stay with him." Maine said raising his hand.

"I, as well." Wyoming said.

Del smiled. 'How the hell did I get so lucky?' He thought to himself.

A/N: Now this is where it gets good! Til the next one, everybody!

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