the sauna test

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"Which one?" Max asks. "I don't know," I shrug. "Hey, there's nothing to worry about anymore, okay?" She reassures. "It doesn't make sense," I blurt. "What doesn't make sense?" Max asks. "Heather. The blood. The ice," I continue. "Heather had a fever, so she took a cold bath, but she's better now. That has to be it. I don't know where that blood came from, but... we saw her. We all saw her. She's totally fine," Max explains. "What about Billy?" I ask. "What about him?" Max questions. "He seemed wrong," I mumble. "Wrong is kind of like his default. But it's nice to know he's not a murderer, because that would've totally sucked," Max chuckles. "Who... is that?" I ask, pointing to the book. "See, this is why you should be hanging out with me more. This is wonder woman. AKA Princess Diana. She's from Paradise Island, which is, like, this hidden island--" Max explains as I fall asleep.

time skip

We were wakened by Lucas trying to talk to us over the walky-talky. "Shut... up," Max scoffs into the device before turning it off. We tried going back to sleep, only for the phone to ring. "You've got to be kidding me," She groans, walking to the phone. "I'm sleeping. Go away," she shouts. "What are you talking about?" she asks. "What?" she quizzes. "What did he say?" I ask.

time skip

"I didn't think it was anything at first. I mean, I think I just didn't want to believe it. The first time I felt it was at Day of the Dead." Will explains. "Power went out that night, too," Mike points out. "And then I felt it again at the field near the Nelson farm the next day. Then again outside Castle Byers." Will adds. "What does it feel like?" Max asks. "It's almost like... You know when you drop on a roller coaster?" Will asks. "sure," Mike says. "Yeah," Max adds. "It's like... everything inside your body is just sinking all at once, but... this is worse. Your body... it goes cold and-- and you can't breathe. I've felt it before, whenever he was close." Will quivers. "Whenever who was close?" Max asks. "The Mind Flayer," Will replies. "I closed the gate," I exclaim. "I know, but... what if he never left? What if we locked him out here with us?" Will questions.

Will smacks down a piece of paper, "This is him. All of him. But, that day on the field, a part of him attached itself to me." Will draws on the paper then smudges it with his hand. He shows us his hand with the black smeared over it. "My mom got it out of me... and Seven closed the gate. *Will flips over the paper* But the part that was still in me, what if it's still in our world?" Will asks as he slams his hand down on the paper, leaving a mark, "In Hawkins." Will finishes. "I don't understand. The Demodogs died when y/n closed the gate. If the brain dies, the body dies." Max exclaims. "We can't take any chances. We need to assume the worst. The Mind Flayer's back." Mike interjects. "Yeah. And if he is, he'd want to attach himself to someone again. A new me." Will says, "A new host." Lucas continues. "How can you tell if someone is a host?" I ask.

time skip

"I don't know. He looks pretty normal to me," Max shrugs. "Normal? How many times have you seen him with a shirt on?" Lucas questions. "I mean, it's a little weird," She sighs. "More than a little. He was in a tub of ice. The Mind Flayer likes it cold. Plus everything y/n saw--" Mike begins. "But he's lounging at the pool, which is like, the least Mind Flayer thing ever," Max adds. "Not necessarily. The Mind Flayer likes to hide. He only used me when he needed me. It's like... like you're dormant. And then, when he needs you, you're activated." Will stammers. "Okay, so we just... wait until he gets activated," Max suggests. "No. What if he hurts someone?" Mike starts. "Or kills someone." Will continues. "We can't take that chance. We need to find out if he's the host." Mike exclaims, walking away. "Where are you going?" Max asks. "I have an idea. Boys only," Mike replies. "Seriously?" She asks. "Just trust me on this one," Mike shouts. I look over to Max, she rolls her eyes. The boys came back a couple of minutes later, telling us the plan. We all split up to get supplies.

I get into the supply closet using the key I stole from the front desk. I found the dummy we needed. As I pulled it off the shelf, I heard Mike sigh. "Hey, I found the breakers," he announces. "Whoa, that thing is super creepy," he continues as I turn around to face him. "Let me see it," he exclaims, taking it from me. "I think this'll work. Right, buddy? Right, Mike," he jokes in a high pitched voice. I snatch the doll back from him, making my way to the door. "Hey, y/n..." Mike began. I turn around to face him. "I just wanted to say... You know when I said Nana was sick? She wasn't. I lied," Mike explained. "I know," I retort. "Right, right, right. No, I just... think it was important for you to know the context. Hopper, he went all crazy on me, telling me I'm spending way too much time with you. He made me lie. I mean, you're the most important thing to me in the world," Mike started. "Really, Mike? You know how much Hopper and I have gone through. You know how sensitive I am about that. And now you're going to try and blame him? Even if he did say it, what if he's right?" I ask. "What?" Mike quizzes. "Hop," I add. "No, no, no, no. He's just some angry old man who hates joy," Mike corrects. "But if I only see you, and I'm a different species than you, then I should be with my species more," I scoff. "What are you talking about?" Mike asks. I pick up the dummy. "Did you spy on me? That's totally against the rules," Mike gasps. "I make my own rules. And Mike, don't ever talk about my dad like that," I retort, walking out of the shed. 

time skip

We waited till Billy was done with his shower to start the experiment. The voice recording of Mike began, and Billy started to walk around, looking for the origin of the sound. "Hey, behind you." The voice recording said. Billy turned around and faced Me. I slam him into the back wall. "Now," Mike shouted as everyone ran in. I shut the door, and Mike, Lucas, and Will locked him in.

Billy starts saying Max's name. "Do it," Max demands. Will runs over to the temperature controller and turns it up all the way.

"Max! Let me out of here! Let me out. You kids... You think this is funny? You kids think this is some kind of sick prank, huh? *spits on window* You little shits think this is funny? What is this? Open the door. Open the door! Open the door! Open the goddamn door!" Billy yelled as he crouched down so we couldn't see him anymore. Will ran up to the thermometer, "We're at 220." He blurts before walking back to us. Billy grunts then began to sob. "It's not my fault. It's not my fault. It's not my fault, Max. I promise you. It's not my fault." Max walks up to the window, "What's not your fault, Billy?" she asks. "I've done things, Max. Really... bad things. I didn't mean to. He made me do it." Billy cried. "Who made you do it?" Max asks. "I don't know, it's like a shadow. Like a giant shadow. Please, Max." Billy cried. "What did he make you do?" she questions. "It's not my fault, okay? Max, please. Please, believe me, Max, it's not my fault. I tried to stop him, okay? I did. Please believe me, Max. Please believe me." Billy sniffled, Max put her hand to the window. "Billy, it's gonna be okay," she reassures him. "Max, please," Billy begged. "It's gonna be okay. We want to help you. We want to help you. You just have to talk to us, okay? You have to talk to us. I believe you, Billy. We'll figure it out together, okay?" she cries.

"I feel him. He's activated." Will shudders.

"Max, get away from the door," Mike says. "What?" she asks. "Get away from the door!" Mike yells. Max screams as Billy shatters the glass window with a sharp object. "Let me out you, you bitch! Let me out! I'll fucking gut you!" Billy yells as he unlocks the door. Before he can get out, Lucas uses his slingshot and hits Billy in the face, making him fall back. "Max, come on!" Lucas yells. The lights began to flicker, and Billy began to try and burst through the door. I stood in front of the group, my arms stretched in front of them to protect them. "He can't get out, can he?" Max asks. "No way. No way." Lucas replied. Then, Billy bursts through the door, rolling on the ground. We backed up, I stood in front of the group. I lift a weight off the rack and I throw it at Billy. He flies into the wall. Billy pushed the weight off him and pulled my hair back as he put me in a chokehold.

I was about to pass out. I see someone walk up behind Billy, hitting him in the back with a pole. He falls to the ground, dropping me. "Go to Hell, you piece of shit!" I hear Mike yell. I slowly stand up as I watch Billy get closer to Mike. I use all the energy I had left to lift Billy up and throw him out of the building. The bricks caved in, making a hole in the wall. I fall into Mike, crying into his shirt. He wraps his arms around me, telling me it was gonna be okay. Mike helps me get up as we walk towards the hole. We watched as Billy got up and ran away. 

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