the mall rats

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"Hey, is everything okay?" Hop asks as I enter the kitchen, walking over to the phone. "Yes." I reply, punching in Mike's number. 

"Hello, this is the Wheelers," Mrs. Wheeler answered the phone. "Can I speak with Mike?" I ask. "Yeah, just a sec," She replies. "Hello?" Mike asks. I sigh as I walk into my room. "Are you coming today?" I ask. "Sorry, I--I was just about to call. I, um... can't see you today," Mike blurt. "What... Why not?" I ask. "It's my Nana. She's very sick," he explains. "But Hop said that your Nana was okay, that it was a false alarm," I reply. "Yeah. That's... what... we thought it was at first, but then she took a real turn for the worse," he explains. "Oh," I sigh. "Yeah. We think she might... die," Mike blurt. "What?" Karen asked. "Mom! Get off the phone! How many times?!" I hear Mike yell. "Did Nana call?!" Mrs. Wheeler shouts. "Sorry about that," Mike chuckles. "Was that your mom?" I ask. "Yeah. She's so upset, she's making no sense. Because we have to go to the nursing home. To see Nana," he continues. "You can come over after?" I quiz. "No! I mean, I--I just think... I need to be alone today. With my... feelings?" Mike replies as more of a question. "Do you lie?" I ask. "What? No. Friends don't lie. What, Mom? My mom's calling me. Better go. Bye!" Mike speaks quickly before hanging up on me. I walk back out into the kitchen, placing the phone back on the wall. "Hey. What's going on?" Hop asks. I ignore him, walking back into my room. 

When I get to her house, Max was skateboarding. Her board rolled across the street and over to me. I walk towards her. "Hi," I exclaim. "Hi?" Max questions. "Can we talk?" I ask.

"And then he said he-- he missed me. And then he just hung up," I explain. "He's a piece of shit," Max replies. "What?" I ask. "Mike doesn't have jack shit to do today, and his Nana obviously isn't sick. I guarantee you, him and Lucas are playing Atari right now," she continues. "But friends don't lie," I defend. "Yeah, well, boyfriends lie. All the time," she sneers. "You're going to stop calling him. You're going to ignore his calls. As far as you're concerned, he doesn't exist," Max orders. "Doesn't exist?" I ask. "He treated you like garbage. You're gonna treat him like garbage. Give him a taste of his own medicine," she explains. "Give him the medicine," I repeat. "Mm-hmmm. And if he doesn't fix this, if he doesn't explain himself, dump his ass," she scolds. "Come on," Max gets up, grabbing my hand. "Where are we going?" I ask. "To have some fun. There's more to life than stupid boys, you know," she smiles.

time skip

"So, what do you think?" Max asks. I don't say anything. "Hey, what's wrong?" Max quizzes. "Too many people. Against the rules," I explain. "Seriously? You have superpowers. What's the worst that could happen?" Max questions. As we get inside, I look around. "So, what should we do first? You've never been shopping before, have you?" she laughs. "A long time ago," I explain. "Well, then I guess we're just gonna have to try everything. Ooh. Come on," she exclaims. We walked around 'The Gap', looking for clothes. We both tried on outfits before we found a bunch we liked. We bought them and changed into them. I wore (outfit at top).

We got our photos taken. We did a bunch of different poses before we went and tried on heels. Some of the popular girls at school laughed at us. Later, we found the same group of girls in the food court. I used my powers to make the main girl's drink explode all over her as we ran away laughing. "See, I told you there was more to life than stupid boys," Max giggles. Our final stop was Scoops Ahoy. "Okay, here you go, you got a strawberry, and then a vanilla with sprinkles, extra whipped cream," Steve announced as he handed us our ice cream. "Thanks," We reply in sync. "Wait a second. Are you even allowed to be here?" Steve quizzed. Max and I laugh before running out of the store. We walk out of the front doors of the mall. "You wanna trade?" Max asks. I nod as we hand each other our ice cream. Out of the corner of my eyes, I see a group of familiar boys. "Oh, you've gotta be shitting me" Max seethes. Max and I turn to the group, walking over to them. "Isn't this a nice surprise," Max announced. Mike looks at me, letting his bike fall. "What are you doing here?" Mike asks. "Shopping" I reply. "This is her new style. What do you think?" Max asks. "What's wrong with you? You know she's not allowed to be here," Mike scolds. "What is she, your little pet?" Max asks. "Yeah. Am I your pet?" I repeat. "What? No!" Mike scoffed. "Then why do you treat me like garbage?" I question. "What?" Mike quizzed. "You said Nana was sick," I reply. "She is. She is. She is sick," Mike defended. "Yeah, she's super sick. That's why we're here, actually," Lucas continued. "Yeah, we're shopping. Not for us, but for her, for Nana. Also we're here to get a gift for you. Just, we couldn't find anything that suited you, and I only have, like, $3.50, so it's hard," Mike explained. "Super hard. It's-- It's expensive," Lucas adds. "You lie. Why do you lie?" I ask. Max and I heard the bus brakes squeal. I walk forward. "I dump your ass," I seethe before walking to the bus. Max and I walked to the bus. As soon as we sit down, Max high fives me as we laugh.

Mike's pov

"Now can we play D&D?" Will asks as the bus leaves. "No!" Lucas and I groan. 

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